Chapter 1183-beauty contest

Upon seeing this question, ruan Mengmeng's watery eyes suddenly contracted.

She didn't expect that Room 333 would pay attention to this issue.

However, she probably wouldn't mention this to anyone even if it was 190 billion, let alone 19 million.

Ruan Mengmeng hesitated for a moment before typing on the keyboard on her phone screen and replying.

She didn't even realize that when she typed this line, she had to delete one word after three words on average.

Because her fingers were shaking, she might accidentally press the wrong button.

[ hair growing fast: hair growing fast means that one hopes that their hair will grow faster. As for the reason why it's cut short ... [ it's cool when summer comes ]

[333: do you think I'll believe this answer?]

[hair growing fast: it's up to you if you want to believe me or not. I'll pay you back anyway.] Alright, that's all. It's too late and I'm going to sleep ~88]