It was torture for him to watch Mengmeng suffer

The girl in the photo had her head slightly lowered.

Her mesmerizing almond-shaped eyes were slightly moist, and her curled eyelashes were still stained with tears.

The character she was playing had just cried, and she was dressed in an ancient costume with a soft and weak look. This kind of beautiful lowered eyes was the most touching moment.

Unfortunately, there was only one flaw on that beautiful little face.

The left cheek facing the camera was swollen, and there was a clear handprint on her fair and clear face.

Li junyu's deep dark eyes suddenly narrowed when he saw the red handprint.

Almost subconsciously, he had already opened his mouth, " "You're so injured, why aren't you resting? And master, someone is abusing his power to take revenge on a private matter, why didn't he stop it?"

Hearing the man's cold and angry question, li Peacock finally showed a gloating expression on the other end of the phone.

Hmph, who told you to act like you don't care.