Ruan Mengmeng, danger!

Because the later shooting scenes were mainly concentrated in the demon sect, especially Qin Xin and Jun Wu Xie's two important bed scenes needed to be completed here, master Andre changed the shooting order.

For the next few days, he would film the other fighting scenes.

In the later stages, when ruan Mengmeng and Xiu Yu were still a little familiar with each other and their relationship was closer, and when the magnificent demonic sect setting was set up, the bed scene would be filmed.

Therefore, for the past few days, ruan Mengmeng had been filming in the day and returning to the dormitory at night. She was so tired that she couldn't even lift her fingers. After taking a shower, she fell asleep immediately.

On this day, she arrived at the set early as usual. She changed into her costume and sat in front of the makeup mirror, waiting for her makeup to be done.

After a while, the Assistant Director suddenly came to her for help.