No one in the ruan family believed him anymore

Hmph, ruan zhaotian, stop pretending in front of me. You've really let me down. You brought a woman home from the outside behind my back and messed around with her. I'll call everyone up right now and let them judge!

Qin Fang was almost angered to death. She grabbed the naked woman and dragged her out of the bedroom.

As he dragged her, he shouted loudly, hoping that Madame ruan, ruan Xueqin, Cao Meifeng, and ruan Jiaojiao would be the judges.

She had to kill this Vixen today!

The woman whose hair was being pulled by Qin Fang almost had her hair pulled off together with her belt.

She didn't dare to struggle. She could only wrap herself in the blanket and follow Qin Fang out while sobbing.

Seeing this, ruan zhaotian quickly put on his pants and followed them out.

At this time, Madame ruan and ruan Xueqin had already woken up.