Stop hitting me, it's me, Yingluo

"What's going on? what's happening? Fangfang, what's the matter?"

At that moment, Cao Meifeng and ruan Jiaojiao came out of the room.

Ruan Jiaojiao's room was on the second floor. Because of her cold relationship with Gu Xuan and Qin Fang's plan to find someone to hook up with ruan zhaotian, she took the opportunity to make a scene.

Therefore, ruan Jiaojiao found an excuse to go back to her mother's house. When she heard the noise outside, she thought that Qin Fang's scheme had succeeded.

As for Cao Meifeng, she lived downstairs, right next to ruan Mingyu and the housekeeper Cao Mei.

She had originally shared a room with Cao Mei and ruan Mingyu, but ruan Mingyu had been crying and feverish for the past few nights. She felt that she wouldn't be able to sleep well at night, so she slept next door.

Because he lived the furthest away, he was the slowest to come up.

Even so, when Cao Meifeng saw the situation in front of her, she still shouted in excitement.