As long as she could become Mrs. Li

After some thought, ruan Mengmeng realized that a certain someone had many companies under his name. She was afraid that he wouldn't be able to figure out which company it was, so before hanging up, she added, " "It's Lisheng group,"

After she finished speaking, she did not give li junyu any chance to ask any questions. She hung up the phone and turned off her phone.

"Mengmeng, you're going to get back together with li junyu?" Yu sui, who had been silent the entire time, finally couldn't help but speak up.

They knew very well that ruan Mengmeng had been abandoned and hurt by li junyu.

Whether it was from a teammate's point of view or from a personal point of view, he didn't want the girl to be hurt again.

"Yes, he is a very suitable candidate." Ruan Mengmeng nodded lightly, not hiding her intentions at all.