Ruan Shishi's past

The sister who loved her deeply had suddenly left, her grandfather had passed away, and her father had been bewitched by her stepmother.

After that, it was the betrayal of family.

She was deeply hurt when the man she loved and trusted with all her heart suddenly let her go.

However, she had taken everything on.

He had walked out of the greenhouse by himself, learned to earn his living expenses and school fees with his own hands, and learned to walk the path by himself.


As ruan Shishi's client, Feng yihuan couldn't interfere too much, but he had to take care of ruan Mengmeng. He had been secretly watching her grow.

She grew up in such a brutal way.

It was like a broken bone growing taller.

It was a method used by estan doctors to make people who couldn't grow taller grow taller again.

He broke the leg bones, then healed them, broke them again, and healed them again.

Every time it was broken and healed, the leg bone would grow a little longer.