The strange Bo Hanyuan

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Bo Hanyuan suddenly reached out his right hand to Duan Yi 'er.

The man's well-defined palm was suspended in the air, and his slender fingers were like a piece of art carved by God.

Bo Hanyuan said in a cold and emotionless voice, " "I'll invite you to dance."

He didn't bend down, nor did he make any gentlemanly requests. His back was even straight, and his tall figure stood in the middle of the dance floor.

But even so, it was enough to make Duan Yi 'er happy.

Bo Hanyuan laughed. Although he was rumored to be so terrifying ...

However, when she looked at him in person, she saw his handsome and sharp face, his cold Phoenix eyes, and his deep facial features that seemed to have been carved by a knife.

Even if he was a cursed person in the rumors.

However, to be able to be favored by such a man, even if it meant death, Duan Yi 'er would be willing.