The woman who suddenly appeared (main point)

Just as Duan Yi 'er gritted her teeth and was about to throw herself into Bo Hanyuan's arms and dance with him ...

At an angle that no one else could see, Bo Hanyuan's cold eyes darkened.

His eyes seemed to be warning Duan Yi 'er, as if he was saying, " if you dare to take another step forward, I'll give you a try.

Duan Yi 'er's hard-won determination crumbled under Bo Hanyuan's cold gaze.

Time passed by.

The dance music continued, and Duan mu 'er and Li Jinghui were still dancing in the next room.

Compared to them, Bo Hanyuan was already impatient with Duan Yi 'er's hand. His large palm with distinct joints slightly opened up a distance and supported her.

And that pair of cold eyes would always inadvertently sweep across the crowd outside the dance floor.

Just as the dance music reached its climax, a figure suddenly appeared in the crowd of guests near the Zhan family's resting area.