He's so adorable

Showing off their love in public!

He even touched his Mengmeng!

If it wasn't for the fact that there were so many people here and that li junyu was already considered half a grandson to him, he really wanted to bombard li junyu with a big bomb.

As for the others ...

When he saw li junyu in his black suit, he effortlessly carried ruan Mengmeng in his arms, who was dressed in an icy blue gown.

The man was tall and cold, while the woman was petite and beautiful.

Not to mention the man wearing an expensive tailored suit. The tight lines of the suit revealed his extremely explosive figure. Coupled with his sharp and handsome face, he could easily attract the attention of all the guests.

For a moment, even ruan Jiaojiao regretted it.

She should not have said that about li junyu.