Chapter 1565-heart knot unfurled

you're still in control of junyu hotel and Yuyao technology? "

The woman in the man's arms was not as touched or excited as others thought she was. Instead, she looked shocked.

Although ruan Mengmeng did not know much about the other companies under li junyu, she was very familiar with junyu hotel and Yuyao technology.

Junyu hotel was the first seven-star hotel in S country. It was internationally renowned and had many top chains in the world.

As for imperial glory technology, she knew it even better.

It included most of the popular games on the market, from client-side games to mobile games.

It was not just games. The various software and applications that Yu Yao had developed had also occupied a large part of the IT market. They were the absolute Kings of the IT industry.

Not to mention the other companies that ruan Mengmeng did not know about, just these two companies alone were enough to make li junyu's gold mine.