The tyrant is raising flags

The doctor finally caught his breath after being fed a mouthful of dog food.

After giving the newbie parents a brief explanation, ruan Mengmeng finally understood why she was still pregnant even though her period was already here.

It turned out that she wasn't on her period at all, but was bleeding from an egg implantation.

The doctor said that this phenomenon varied from person to person. As long as there was no massive bleeding or intense abdominal pain, there was no danger. These symptoms usually disappeared automatically in three to four days.

Of course, the doctor explained to li junyu and ruan Mengmeng all the things that needed to be taken note of during the early stages of pregnancy, such as eating less raw and cold food, avoiding carrying heavy objects, and paying attention to rest.

However, the results of the physical examination showed that ruan Mengmeng's body indicators were normal and she was very healthy.

There were no signs of a miscarriage.