Returning to the country

Ruan Mengmeng's pregnancy was such a big matter, so naturally, they had informed President Zhan Kai.

It was said that the battle armor's President was originally recuperating from his illness. When he heard this news, he was suddenly full of energy.

Not only had he recovered from his illness, but he was also in high spirits. He even had to personally pick them up the next day.

Fortunately, the internal affairs officer had snitched on him to ruan Mengmeng, so he was able to stop Zhan Kai's President.

After more than ten hours of flight, the private jet finally arrived at the airport of S country's capital.

When ruan Mengmeng was carried off the plane by li junyu, she blushed.

"It's not like I don't have legs. Put me down." Nestled in li junyu's arms, ruan Mengmeng felt shy.

She was perfectly fine. She had her hands and feet, and she did not feel uncomfortable at all. She really did not know why li junyu was so nervous.