The bride's escort (2)

"No, mommy was just too happy that Yingluo saw you in a wedding dress and realized that our Mengmeng has finally grown up and is about to get married, Yingluo."

Chen Qingzhi lowered her head slightly and used her long, fair fingers to wipe away her tears.

If ruan Mengmeng had only worn a white wedding dress, she might not have felt so much.

But when she saw her daughter wearing a bright red wedding dress, the Chinese dress decorated her with such delicate beauty, Chen Qingzhi couldn't help but think of the scene when she married ruan zhaotian.

At that time, because grandfather ruan was a traditional person, her wedding with ruan zhaotian was also a Chinese wedding.

She wore a fiery red wedding dress and sat on the bed of the Chen family's bed, waiting for ruan zhaotian to come and fetch the bride. She was full of anticipation for their happy and blissful life in the future.

At that time, she was still full of yearning and anticipation for life.