Pretty young mole

Using a snakeskin bag to pack red packets, such a nouveau riche method, was definitely not something that first young master Li would do.

But now, in order to get his little wife back as soon as possible, young master Li not only did it, but he also did it domineeringly, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Ling bei and Ling Dong each held two large snakeskin bags in their hands. When they opened the bags, they could see that they were filled with thick red packets.

Ling bei stood by the crack in the door and shouted, " "Everyone, line up slowly. As long as you support our young master Li, you will get a share. For good luck, everyone can reach in and grab as much as you can."

The snakeskin bag was filled with big red packets, ranging from 6666,8888, and 9999.

If they let people in and directly grab as much as they could, just thinking about the number of people they could grab would make people envious.