A slap in the face

Ruan Mengmeng stood there, her eyes fixed on the tightly shut car door.

Zhan mo brought Zhan Jia 'er to the front.

When they saw the luxury car that belonged to Zhan Yang, they knew that their father had come.

Zhan Mo's emotions surged, and he even felt a faint sense of uneasiness. He turned back to look at ruan Mengmeng, wondering what his father would do to suppress his emotions when he saw her.

He knew his father's methods and character. Zhan mo would never allow anyone to hurt ruan Mengmeng. However, at this moment, he doubted whether he could protect her from his father.

In contrast to Zhan Mo's inexplicable uneasiness, Zhan Jia 'er was overjoyed when she saw Zhan Yang.

That's great. Daddy's here. Yingluo's daddy will definitely not bear to see her suffer.

Zhan Jia 'er knew that Zhan Yang doted on her. This time, even if her brother was not willing to do it, her father would dig out ruan Mengmeng's heart for her.