Chapter 320 unbelievable

daddy, why did you hit brother?!

Even though Zhan Jia 'er was unhappy with Zhan Mo's' favoritism', she was still shocked.

She covered her mouth in disbelief. This was the first time she had seen Zhan Yang fight Zhan mo.

Caught off guard, Zhan mo was slapped down by Zhan Yang. His tall and straight figure swayed uncontrollably.

He stood still and looked back at his father, who had a cold and serious expression. His dark eyes, which were the same as his father's, were filled with confusion.

"Father, what did I do wrong to deserve such a punishment?"

How could he make his father attack him in public?

Zhan Mo's figure was tall and straight. It was a perfect figure. However, Zhan Yang was slightly taller than him. His entire aura was more mature and profound than Zhan Mo's.

He looked at Zhan mo with a cold and emotionless gaze that sent shivers down one's spine.