The story of Zhan Yang (2)

the Gu that the remaining member of the Qing clan put in me is very domineering and strange. Even though I've found countless famous doctors and even medical authorities, they can only alleviate the pain but not cure it.

In the past four years, my temper has become more and more violent, and my personality has also become violent and unreasonable. I even have a strong desire for women. If there's no woman to relieve me every few days, the qi and blood in my body will become violent and restless, even to the point of bursting through my blood vessels, making me feel as if it's about to burst.

In fact, not only did my temperament change, even my rationality was no longer under my control. In the fourth year after the Gu entered my body, I was rarely awake. At that time, it was xiuhui who took care of me. However, xiuhui's pregnancy worsened my condition.