Zhan Yang's story (3)

"I remember that moment, when I saw her face clearly, I felt a moment of joy in my heart. Because I didn't expect that she would appear in front of me again, sleeping right next to me, where I could reach her.

But in the next moment, when I regained my senses, all the mistakes I've done in the past few years came back to me. It was only then that I clearly knew what I did, what I did to the woman I truly loved, Yingluo."

Zhan Yang finally opened his eyes, and his dark eyes were already dim.

For a moment, ruan Mengmeng felt as if she could see the tears in his eyes.

This was a sad and desolate man, speaking of his last heartfelt words."I didn't have the face to face your mother again, and I didn't dare to appear in front of her again and disturb her life. So, after that night, I sent her away from the Duan family. As for the diamond cufflink, I pretended to forget and left it with your mother.