Mengmeng, where are you going to escape to this time?

Ruan Mengmeng was looking out of the window in silence.

Zhan Yang sat beside her and stared at her with his dark eyes.

Between the two of them, no one spoke to break this silence.

It was only when the Zhan family's car stopped outside the hospital's VIP passageway that ruan Mengmeng raised her eyes and saw the hospital building in front of her. She frowned slightly."Why isn't it the Affiliated Hospital of M University?"

The area where the Fenghuo group's headquarters was located happened to be within M University's radiation range.

In the entire M Nation, the affiliated hospitals of M University could be ranked among the top and the best.

Before ruan Mengmeng came to Country M, she had analyzed with Feng yihuan that if Zhan Yang wanted to take her for a physical examination, they would definitely come to the hospital attached to M University.

She had also heard Zhan Yang giving the Butler the same order in the dining room.