Sweet, sweet (1)

The man wearing a mask and a white coat looked down at his little wife, who was standing in the same place in a daze. She covered her small mouth and only revealed a pair of moist and bright almond-shaped eyes.

He was li junyu, and he was li junyu himself!

From the moment the man turned around to look, ruan Mengmeng recognized him at a glance.

Even though half of her face was covered by the mask, the deep eyes that were exposed outside the mask still revealed a cold and lazy aura.

Not to mention his sharp brows, deep eyes, high nose, and the unique temperament around him.

However, even if the man's magnetic and pleasant voice had a hint of a smile, that sentence ... Mengmeng, where are you going to escape to this time? " However, ruan Mengmeng's back turned cold and her scalp went numb.

She didn't even need to think to know that her husband was angry.

Because she ran away on her own, she was very, very angry.

The kind that can't be coaxed!