She wanted her heart

However, ruan Mengmeng acted as if she did not see her. She took a step forward and was about to walk past Duan xiuhui.

Who knew that just as she lifted her eyes, she was inadvertently attracted to Zhan Jia 'er.

No one could see what Zhan Jia 'er was like at this moment.

Everyone was either standing with their backs to Zhan Jia 'er or behind her. The only person who could see Zhan Jia' er's expression and the changes in her expression was ruan Mengmeng, who was standing directly opposite her.

Ruan Mengmeng saw a vicious look on Zhan Jia 'er's pale and sickly face.

In the past, the girl who was used to showing her innocence and always hiding behind others, no longer hid her true nature at this moment.

Zhan Jia 'er's gaze shot toward ruan Mengmeng. Her gaze was cold, slippery, sinister, and sharp, revealing an undisguisable viciousness, like a poisonous bug hiding in the dark and spying on them.