Zhan mo knocking on the door

War desert?

Ruan Mengmeng's heart tightened involuntarily when she heard the voice.

The time she spent with this man in the small villa of the military headquarters in S country seemed to have been a long time ago.

Ever since he took Mianmian away, ever since he brought her to M Nation, ever since Xuxu

Ever since ruan Mengmeng found out that Zhan mo was the person who had once been high and mighty, forcing her sister to donate her heart to save Zhan Jia 'er, her feelings for him had changed from complicated and hesitant to a deep hatred.

She had almost believed this man, but he had disappointed her again and again.

Until today, ruan Mengmeng was only glad that she had woken up early. She was glad that she had not been deceived by Zhan Mo's appearance.