Ruan Mengmeng blocked li junyu's hand coldly

Li junyu did not expect that 'retribution' would come so quickly one day.

He had once broken up with Mengmeng because he had seen the video of Chen Qing pushing her mother down the stairs.

But now, Zhan Yang was saying that the tragedy of the ruan family, the tragedy of Chen Qingzhi, and even the birth of Mengmeng were all related to his own mother and second uncle.

Although li junyu did not believe Zhan Yang's words, he could feel the pain that Mengmeng had gone through when he suddenly heard that this matter involved his family.

If Mengmeng was willing to believe these words, if Mengmeng lost her cool for a moment, if she hated Yingluo, would she let go of him as easily as he did back then?

"Mengmeng, I don't care what you choose, you must not let me go." Li junyu's large palm held ruan Mengmeng tightly. He could not wait to rub his most beloved little wife into his body and make her become one with his bones and blood.