Don't forget that she's the movie queen

Zhan Yang looked on coldly from the side. When he saw ruan Mengmeng push li junyu's hand away, he could not hide the smugness in his eyes.

He watched coldly as ruan Mengmeng fell into pain again. He watched as ruan Mengmeng cried and looked at her helplessness. He admired how he was leading everything.

However, just as the smile on Zhan Yang's lips became deeper and deeper, and he became more and more satisfied with his own arrangements ...

However, he suddenly saw ruan Mengmeng, who had been crying so hard that she was almost twitching and trembling, suddenly curve her teary almond-shaped eyes and curl up the corners of her lips, revealing a strange smile at him.

A cold glint flashed across Zhan Yang's eyes, revealing a sense of danger that even he himself did not know of.

Ruan Mengmeng just wiped her tears casually, and in the next moment, the grief-stricken expression disappeared from her face as if it had never existed.