The eldest son's name is different

"He's our child. Naturally, he's the fruit of our love," li junyu replied.

If not for this, li junyu would not have been able to convince himself so easily to accept these three 'little love rivals'.

Zhan Heng Shen Qianqian. ruan Mengmeng could not help but softly say little chongchong's name.

She didn't know when she would be able to find little chongchong, and she hoped that he would be safe and sound. Heng represented the preciousness of Jade, and deep was her deep love, but in fact, it also represented her blessings and feelings for little chongchong.

Little chongchong was the child who resembled li junyu the most among the triplets.

The doctor said that the three little guys were fraternal triplets.

If little chongchong used a single egg, he would look more like his father.