Back to S country

The days passed by just like that. Li junyu doted on ruan Mengmeng to the extreme, and even his relationship with Zhan mojun and Zhan han was gradually getting closer.

Since he could not find little chongchong, li junyu stayed in M Nation with ruan Mengmeng and his two sons for three months.

The two babies were already half a year old, but they had yet to return to S country.

It was not that ruan Mengmeng did not want to bring them back, but there was really no news of little chongchong. They would not leave until they found little chongchong.

If they left now, it would mean that they had left little chongchong in country M.

Ruan Mengmeng's heart ached at the thought of little li hengshen leaving her when he was only three months old, even though she was cold because of the Gu bug.