You're just mud that can't hold up a wall

His adorable master was a year older than him, but he loved her like a sister for the rest of his life. No, he loved her even more than his own sister.

He, mu Jingxing, had been looking forward to this day, where he could protect his most important best friend with his own two hands.

Aiyo, Aiyo, I thought you'd called for some incredible help after making such a big scene. It turns out that you found such an ignorant and incompetent hedonistic son!

Just as mu Jingxing and ruan Mengmeng were smiling at each other, an untimely voice interrupted the warm atmosphere between them.

Cao Meifeng had been watching from the back for a long time. At first, she thought that her son-in-law had called for help when she saw so many people in uniform outside the door.

However, when he saw ruan Mengmeng and the other party hugging each other warmly, he felt that something was not right.