Watch as he gets his face back

Mu yuanhong said that the elites of the battle group were all scoundrels who wore combat uniforms and pretended to be friends?

Mu Jingxing chuckled and did not hide his sarcasm at mu yuanhong's words.

He held down ruan Mengmeng, who was about to turn around and defend him, and gave her a reassuring look.

Ruan Mengmeng knew that mu Jingxing wanted to settle it himself.

However, mu yuanhong was his biological father after all. Ruan Mengmeng knew that even after mu yuanhong and aunt Deng's divorce, although foppish mu hated his father, he could not completely cast aside the many years of father and son relationship.

When mu Jingxing was young, he had always admired his own mu yuanhong. However, later on, he had indeed lived a muddleheaded life as a rich second generation and had forgotten his initial admiration.

However, as a teenager, he had a good family background and his parents were busy with work, so they didn't give him anything except material goods.