
In the end, even though he was the young master of the Nangong family, Eagle's security was tight. Without someone to lead the way, no one could enter. Hence, Nangong Ze could only call Chi Yang.

Although the Nangong brothers harbored ill intentions toward him, Chi Yang understood that they were still his brothers and uncles. Chi Yang did not dare to neglect them, so he called Nuannuan and asked her to personally fetch Nangong Ze in.

Currently, Nuannuan had nothing else to do for now. After receiving the call, she went out immediately. She drove herself out because there was quite a distance to cover from the combat headquarters to the main entrance. 

After departing in her car, she found Nangong Ze already waiting for her outside. Seeing her in the car, he asked happily, "Nuannuan, are you leaving already?"

"I'll wait for Big Brother Chi Yang and Eldest Uncle. It seems like they'll only be done in around an hour."