
What Nuannuan did not know was that Hong Feixu was still persistent even after she and Big Brother Chi Yang embarrassed her the last time they met. Not only did Hong Feixu ask her family to investigate Nuannuan's identity, but she was even ready to badmouth Nuannuan in front of Grandpa Chi.

However, even if Nuannuan knew, she would not care about such a side character with a death wish. Some women just would not turn back until they hit a wall. Therefore, even if she found out, she would sit back and watch as this woman attempted to court death.

"Mom, what are you looking at? Did you bring the thing over?"

"Yes! I asked Lil He to move the things." A scheming glint flashed across Mrs. Hong's eyes as she said to Hong Feixu, "Xu'er, guess who I saw just now?"


"Zhong Nuannuan."

Hong Feixu was stunned for a moment before anger tinged her face red. "She's here at Eagle again?"
