Who Dares?

After Nuannuan finished speaking, Mrs. Ning sank to her knees in front of Nangong Nuannuan.

"Auntie Mao, what are you doing?"

"Miss Nangong, please save Hao! I only have this one son. If he dies, I really won't be able to live..." Mrs. Ning started wailing.

"Auntie, don't be like this. Ning Wenhao is my sworn brother. I brought Nuannuan here to let her treat Ning Wenhao. If Nuannuan can save him, she definitely will."

"Then… then, is there still hope for Hao?" Mrs. Ning asked while clutching her heart.

"I don't know about that yet. Auntie Mao, I developed YRHBO-3. Some time ago, I also developed another new type of anti-inflammatory medicine. As long as I have the time, I should be able to tailor this medicine to treat Ning Wenhao's condition. However, I'll need your cooperation, Auntie."

"Alright, go ahead! I'll agree to whatever you want!"