I Will Do My Best

"Chi Yang, I respect your grandfather, Old Marshall Chi. I also acknowledge you as a young junior, but that isn't enough for me to allow you to do whatever you want to my grandson. He can follow you through life and death, but look at the terrible state he's in. I won't allow anyone to do anything bad to him!"

Chi Yang nodded slightly at Grandfather Ning. "Grandfather Ning, we're not doing anything harmful to Ning Wenhao. We want to save him."

"Save him? How? I used my connections to get him the best anti-inflammatory medicine in Sab. It has already suppressed his condition. This is the best outcome possible. The doctor has claimed that if even this kind of anti-inflammatory medicine is useless to him, then there really is no other solution. Furthermore, his body is already weak. You guys actually want to operate on him?"

"Grandfather Ning, this medicine is useless for Ning Wenhao."