Am I So Easily Tricked?

After all, according to their family tree, she was technically Chi Yang's great-aunt. If Nangong Nuannuan wanted to be with Chi Yang, how could she not listen to her great-aunt-in-law's words? Even if she did not listen, she still had a daughter-in-law who was Chi Yang's mother-in-law. She was Nangong Nuannuan's real mother-in-law.

However, no matter how much Lan Huifang glared at Nangong Nuannuan, Old Master Chi did not pay her any attention. 

Grandfather Chi looked at Shi Gen and said, "Then, shall head inside?"

Shi Gen was stunned for a moment before he chuckled and said, "Alright, alright. Old Marshal, please go ahead."

"Chi Yang, you came at just the right time. I have something to tell you. Can I tell you now?"

The person who had just come up to them, Lu Guangsheng, was the chief commander of the south-eastern division of the military base. He was also the husband of Grandfather Shi's third daughter, Shi Qingran.