Do I Not Have a Say?

Any other family... was not worth discussing.

As expected, Chi Yang was quickly whisked away by Lu Guangsheng. After Nuannuan used her superpowers to check on Shi Yalin's location, she planned to go meet her.

Shi Yalin was in the villa's Deputy Hall. Nuannuan initially planned to enter through the east gate, but as she was heading there, she was stopped by Lan Huifang and Zhou Ruxue.


Zhou Ruxue was holding up Lan Huifang as the two of them walked up to Nuannuan with smiles on their faces.

This felt completely different from the last time she met Zhou Ruxue, when she had given Nuannuan a few million yuan with a request to leave Chi Yang. This time, Zhou Ruxue looked at Nangong Nuannuan and smiled as gently as a spring breeze, the warm smile reflecting in her eyes.

It had to be admitted that Zhou Ruxue was really beautiful. Chi Yang had inherited both the Chi family's good genes and his mother's good looks.