
"Uhh what happen?" I get up and look around by all I see darkness darker then any shade of darkness I every seen in my life. "UHH WERE AM I?". "silence child I do not like yelling" Said a voice so cold I got shivers down my back. "who said that?" I look around my surroundings to see were the voice came from. And than I saw it a being whose body were cover with the most dark demonic armor I ever seen in my life.

The being was sitting on a throne made of countless bones from who knows what creatures he has probably slain. He also had the most beautiful but most horrible sword you could ever imagine. "Who are you" I said trying my best not to fumble my words. "Who I am is not your concern mortal. But instead of wondering who I am you should maybe check your weak mortal body mortal" " wh.. what are you talking about?"

I look down and to my fear I see Notting but a transparent body. "Ahh where's my body" I said with a face full of fear. Then out of no where my mind suddenly feels it's being smash in by a sledge hammer."AHHHH WHATS HAPPEN TO ME!!!" Then after a good 5 minutes the pain finally stops. "I remember" I born into a small family which was fitted into the middle class of society. I live a ok but boring life.

I graduated school with average grades never going out my way to do more then I needed to do. Life to me seem really really boring notting made me excited even anime made me only a hype I guess.But then that all change one day while I was coming back from an coffee cafe by myself since I really don't got that many friends.

It started raining so I ran into a dark alley into a little covering which was blocking the rain. But then while I was waiting I was some how got into a mugging situation. "Give me all your money buddy this doesn't have to get bloody" "ok ok just don't hurt me" as I giving my wallet to him I suddenly threw it in his face.

Change flew everywhere, even if I live my life as an average Joe I was not gonna let myself sit by and get mug and not do notting about it. "AHH YOU BASTARD!!" While the mugger was stun for a little moment I ran towards him and punch him square into the jar. Then took his knife off the ground which he drop onto.

The mugger while on the ground holding his bloody nose shows fear in his eyes. "A buddy I was just playing you know right just put the knife and we can both go on with our day what you say buddy" I really didn't care with he had to say I was just gonna run away until i heard something I turn around and see a homeless person trying to hide.

While looking at the homeless person the mugger suddenly gets up and run at me before I could even think my body turn around and swung the knife I had in my hands. Next thing you know his body drops to the floor a huge bloody gash located on his neck. He trys to stop the blood from spraying from his neck with his hands but unfortunately there was just to way to much blood he then died.

I just stood there with no fear, sadness, or anything else except pure excitement. I then finally understood what excited me in this world Killing People. Then a huge evil looking smile appear on face, inside my head I knew if I wanted to continue my newly started carrer I needed to get rid of all witness. I then turn around to the homeless man trying to hide in his cardboard box of a house shivering in fear.

I then slowly walk towards him and said in the most cold and evilest voice I every said in my life "sorry but you must die" I then slit his throat in one fast fluid moment. His body then slump down to the floor. I then just stood there in the rain cover with bloody clothes and bloody hands and out of no where I started laughing like a madmen it was a laugh of pure enjoyment.

After a while I stop laughing "I have to get rid of these body's the rain will wash away the blood" I then continue to dump both the body's into a nearby dumpster. "I have to get home fast and wash up and burn these clothes before I get to continue my killing spree.

I then with the help of the dark alleys and that it was midnight safely return home. Washed up and than burn my clothes getting rid of any evidence of me committing the double murders. I cleaned the knife and then bury the knife under a tree at a park a block down from my house. I then got into my bed and went to sleep but not before thinking to myself "I can't wait to see who I will kill next *chuckles*"

Then from that day on I killed people every single day. I kill so many I lost count. But sadly all good things must come to an end someday. Sadly after 30 years of my caree I sadly messed up and let a camera get my face and then next I know 4-5 swat teams and 5 helicopters surrounded my house "COME OUT WITH YOURS HAND UP WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!!" "HAHAHA YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!" I yelled back then for a little under 1 minute a intense gun fight broke out. Sadly with my death in the end but I didn't care I lived my life to my fullest potential I have no regrets. At least I get to leave my mark on this world as one of the most bloodiest and evil and crazy serial killers of all time. "HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA"