Path to Power

"So that solve what happened to me and if I'm dead how did I get here and where am I?" I ask the demonic being. "You are in the abyss realm made of pure darkness. It was made by me to trap the countless sinful souls of the Omniverse until they disburse into notting and not even having the chance to every reincarnate again."

I was shock I was in a completely new realm! "If so why have my soul not burse into nothingness I pretty sure my soul I fill to the brim with sin?". "Hahaha simply you caught my interest so I halted your judgement." He said in a interest tone. "What how have I caught your interest??" I said im nobody famous, just a simply o mass serial killer.

"Your the only mortal who killed so many people in your unverse, Which this made me interested in you. Kinda impressive for your weak, isolated, and empty universe".

He said which made me think do I really have the curiosity of this dark demonic entity of a being. But never mind that, that still doesn't tell while I'm still here surely he didn't just let me exist just because he was interested in me. So I said "If you don't mind me asking is that all you allowed me to exist for?"

He look at me and began to speak"of course not, since you interested me I shall let you live and give you 4 wishes and let you reincarnate into a world full of full or various powers where if you want you can continue you're killing spree. " When I heard this I mentally scream "YESSSS!".

"REALLY thanks, For my first wish I want a system that doesn't act like a total dick and is only there on my path to power and have everything I will everyneed to my path of power." I said all in one breath "Haha granted". "Awesome for my second wish I wanted to be able to wield pure darkness as one of my powers" I said.

"Haha you making me more interested in you granted. But that wish will have restrictions or else this wouldn't be fun." "For my third wish I to have Demonic talent" i said this because i know it will come in handy when i go to the new world. "Granted mortal" He said in a cold voice. After all this is a martial arts world I'm going to anything's possible. Wonder if it's a high martial arts world or a low weak one.

"Granted you have one more wish make it count"he said it in a wise but I didn't need for him to tell me anyway I'm not dumb of course my last wish is gonna count. "ok for my 5 and final wish i wish to change body to a dark demonic entity.(this is how the mc going to look¤

"Granted, you know what I like you mortal I will give you a present, you find it in your new word." he said ."Thank you sir"I said, my new form was gonna look like a last level badass boss.

"Ok off you go may chaos and death be with you" as he said this a dark demonic portal appear beneath my feet "THANK YOU O MOST HORRIBLE EVIL LORD OF THE OMNIVERSE!!" I said before I completely disappear in the portal. Next thing you know I wake up sitting on a stump in a very dense forest with a long black sword with red runes sketched on it.

it was impaled into the ground next to me. I than got up from the stump noticed I was taller than usual." WOWW my body look so awesome" My whole body was cover in some dark demonic armor. "hmm I need to check my surroundings to see where I'm at and plan what I should do next". I then pick up my sword and when I touch its hilt I felt information about the sword invade my brain. I can make it a flaming sword or a non-flaming like it was now. "Interesting, so that's how it works well time to go and see what this world has to offer me" As I said I walked into the dense forest and couldn't wait to see what I will kill next "*chuckles*"