
As I walking through the forest I suddenly heard a scream which sound like it came from a lady. "O don't tell its the famous cliche scene where the hero who saves the princess after they are surrounded by bandits in the middle of nowhere, let's see where this heads".

(Lady POV)

I can't believe how bad my luck is first I had to go to such a poor bum-e little village to find the guy who loan money from. Which made me really mad and the fact that I had to surround myself around a bunch of filthy, poor, weak fucking peasants anger me even more. And now I'm surround by 11 bandits who 3 look to be at Void Channeling stage 2 and the other 7 looks to be at Void Channeling stage 1 and the one who looks like the leader seems to have the highest cultivation at Void Channeling stage 3. Im only at Void stage 3 "fuck" I wouldn't be in this situation if i hadn't loan that fucker money. "Boss this one is very beautiful we can catch a very good price for her on the black market" one of the smaller bandits said to the biggest bandit in the middle.

"Hmmm she is very beautiful and she's at Void Channeling stage 3 nice. Ok Mike,Jake, and Tom help me capture her while everyone else surround her so she can't escape". O no the leader and the 3 who had Void Channeling stage 2 cultivation are working together to capture me and now I'm surround by 7 Void Channeling stage 1 "how I'm gonna get out of this one" as soon as I said that the leader and his lackeys dash at me. We fought for 10 minutes and then that's when one of the lackeys got behind me and slash me a deep long wound on my back "AHHHH".

I drop to my knees as I couldn't continue fighting because the pain prevention me from standing. "Someone tie her up also make sure to gag her don't wanna hear her scream "said the boss of the bandits, then one of his lackeys proceed to tie me up."LET ME GO DO U KNOW WHO I AM I WILL HAVE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY KILLED AND SKINNE - mmmmm". " Ights boys let's go before we run into trou..." said the bandit leader before he stop not because he wanted to but because currently right now his head was separated from his body and now on the ground with blood spraying from his body then shortly after his cold dead body drops to the ground.

It happen so fast no one even had time to react, but that wasn't the worse thing about it, it was the being who killed him the being looked so terrifying. He look like he looked like he was a devil. He had a demonic flaming sword which made me so scared I fainted.


As I travel towards the were I heard the scream from I stumble upon a battle between some bandits and a beautiful lady. "ooo interesting I wonder if she will be able to win or not *chuckles*" After ten minutes the lady lost and ended up with a nasty wound on her back, then she got tied up when she started to yell then she got gag. "All this fighting got me work up I think I should jump in now"

As soon as I said that I activated my flaming demonic sword then I dash towards the leader of the bandits which I somehow instantly arrived behind the bandit leader and I then proceeded to beheaded him in one fluid movement as I had did this countless times that I had lost count long ago. Blood sprayed everywhere while his body and head drop to the floor. " ooo so fun, hmm looks like the girl fainted well I'll just kill her while she just fainted" My sword then suddenly by its self raise on its own as if it was alive it's self then slash in the directions of the other puny bandits in front of me and made them all dispersed into black flames. "

I don't know what that was but I love it *chuckles*" I then proceeded towards the the girl who fainted which suddenly wakes up to see me walking towards her. She then yelled and started crying which sadly for her only brought me more joy. Then I proceeded to rise my foot above her head where she started to scream and cry more then started to beg for mercy. But like I didn't hear her pleads I crushed her head in one fast and brutal movement she's lucky she didn't have to suffer.

I love to torture people when I'm in a good mood. After I killed her I noticed something I'm her pouch that's she Carry. It had some weird symbols on it. I deactivate my sword then proceeded to walk towards the book and took it. 'hmm looks like a so call skill book let's see" I then open it and it had some weird symbols in it which I'm pretty sure was some language but somehow in someway I understood it by some weird way. Now that I think it about I also understood what them bandits and the girl was saying.

That demonic God must have gave me the knowledge to understand these people language. Hmm let's see what this books say on the cover. When I looked it Sayed "Book of guidance Of The Void ". "hmm she does have bad luck indeed to die and be robbed hahaha."

Welp let's see what this book has to offer, but before that I need to head back to the stump where I spawn in this new world. No need to stick around here. I proceeded to travel back to the stump which took me a while to find not gonna lie I than sat down and open the book.