Area Advantage!

The Hobgoblin lunged toward the Scarfaced man with his sword, sending out several quick strikes! The Scar-faced man had a longsword, he quickly intercepted the attacks of the Hobgoblin.

"A mere Hobgoblin thinks he can compare to a human, you can't compare to the greatness of HumanKind!"

However, on the other end, the lanky man wasn't having such a good time against the Western Orc, he had tried to block the Orc's first attack, but upon first contact, his arms started turning numb! He used his spear to block several hits, but he was defending and hurting at the same time.

The Western Orc was using a Black Cleaver Axe that Vitiate had given him on the way here. This particular weapon boosted the strength of the holder by 8 percent! "Damn it, someone, back me up, this thing is too strong!" The Western Orc was attacking in a frenzy, it wasn't letting up.

"I have my hands full with this Pig, I can't help you!" The tattooed man couldn't be bothered to help anyone right now. He was sure he could defeat this Orc if he had more space to move around.

The Eastern Orc had the advantage in such a small space, its mace crushed toward the man's head but he quickly backed away to avoid the attack meant to kill. "We need to get out of this close space or we won't last!"

This was why Vitiate came here directly, he knew that they wouldn't be able to hold up in a small space like this. The armored man never took his eyes off Vitiate, he was trying to study him. He had never seen this type before of monster before, was he a Devil?

The armored man pulled out his sword, when he unsheathed it, it flashed red for a brief moment before changing back to normal. Vitiate frowned a bit, he knew what that meant, he had seen it on the Dungeon system before.

Enhanced Weapon!

He was still an untrained fighter, so it was best not to fight anyone until he truly trained. The only reason he was here was because he had a Dungeon ability that boosts the stats of his monsters when he was present.

Vitiate looked at the man having a hard time with the Eastern Orc. Suddenly, the man's arms were impaired by vines that came rushing out of the ground.

"Wath the...!?" The Lanky man was shocked, but it was too late. The Orc didn't seem to notice that the man had been bound by vines. It swung its Axe across the air, it was nothing the lanky man could do!

With that, his head was removed from his shoulders as blood squirted everywhere!

The lanky man's head hit the ceiling wall and landed on the ground shortly after. His facial expression still had shock on it, even in death!


The tattooed man was stunned, he was having a better time against the Hobgoblin, so he noticed most things around him. The armored man noticed the element fluctuation used, he knew it was activated by the unknown figure before him.

"Wood Element User!" The man wanted to attack Vitiate but the large bear by his side was quite threatening. Just as the armored man was thinking of something, an Axe came crashing down towards him!

The armored man immediately blocked it with his Enhanced Sword. This caused sparks to fly and for both weapons to give off steam.

"Unbelievable! An Orc that can only be seen in the West Continent is here in the East?"

The man parried and stabbed towards the Orc's shoulder, impaling it!


The Orc roared and backed away after taking damage, Its shoulder had a charred black hole. The Sword had actually managed to damage the Orc's thick skin!

"Ah, so it's a fire Aspect sword as I thought!" Vitiate touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

Suddenly the vines from before whipped toward the man's legs in an attempt to bind him. The armored man had pretty good footwork and dodge with ease. They didn't stop and kept coming for him in order to grapple him.

He easily chopped the vines with his Sword, they were burned to nothingness soon after. At that moment, a Giant Ball of water slammed towards him, but he was fast and quickly dodged the sneak attack.

"Hah! Your aim is poor, how about you work on that before using any skills!" The armored man laughed coldly.

"Wait, what? Who said I was aiming for you?" Vitiate stuck his arms out and shrugged.


"Agh!" The tattooed man who was engaging the Hobgoblin was hit in the back. The Water Bomb exploded upon contact, this was highly pressured water! The Water Bomb always retained its size throughout its leveling course, but the power would change when it leveled up.

The Water Bomb was the size of a beach ball, so it could do quite the amount of damage. The man fell to the ground drenched in water, he felt a horrible pain in his back. He felt like it was hard to breathe, it felt like he was too deep in the sea and under pressure.

The Hobgoblin and Orcs didn't get off scot-free either, they were hit with some of the water, but it didn't affect them. You would need to be directly hit with this attack for it to affect you in any way.

Suddenly, the vines started to spawn and grow rapidly. They were much thicker this time around, they quickly wrapped around the tattooed man and even grabbed hold of the Scarface man!

"No! Ugh!" The scarface lost hold of his weapon as the thick tendril-like Vines quickly wrapped around him.

The armored man understood what was to come and discarded all caution. He looked towards Vitiate, his eyes were filled with killing intent, now. His sword flashed red as he lunged at Vitiate, meaning to kill him!

The earth suddenly shook and stood up like a wave of water, and slammed into the armored man's body like a small tidal wave!

"Ah~!" The man screamed as the rocky ground crushed against him, he wanted to attack Vitiate in order to make him give way. His true goal was to escape, but how could Vitiate allow that?

The man was knocked back as he slammed into the wall. He fell onto the bed in the room afterward and fainted.

"Nice job!" Vitiate looked towards the Earth Bear, it had done this. Vitiate knew the man wanted to attack him, so he told the Earth Bear to move away. He also told the Earth Bear to sneak attack the man if he attacked him, which he ended up doing.

"I eat human, good food!" The Western Orc grinned and walked over to one of the men being bound by Vines.

"No, No, don't!" Vitiate ordered him away.

Eating Humans? Disgusting, he didn't want to see that!

The Orc scratched its head and smiled strangely before backing away. Vitiate walked towards the two snared men with an indifferent smile on his face.

"You filthy bastard! You won't get away with this, they'll know we're missing and come find you!" The scarface man took the time to trash talk, he wanted to scare Vitiate.

"Yeah, he's right, you better let us go! If you do, we can guarantee your survival when the Great Cleansing comes!" The tattooed man followed up in assistance.

Vitiate paused when he heard Great Cleansing, what did that mean?

"I'm listening, what is this great cleansing you're talking about?" Vitiate asked, this didn't sound appealing at all.

"Haha, are you scared!? Then you better listen closely Demon man, because your kind is the main targets to be destroyed!" The tattooed man started getting arrogant because he thought Vitiate was scared.

"Speak up! You better tell me what it is or I'll feed you to my buddy here!" Vitiate pointed his thumb to the western Orc by his side. The Orc grinned as it stared at the men while licking its lips!

"Y-you better let us out afterward or you'll die!"

"Yeah, if you hand over all your valuables afterward." Vitiate said bluntly.

"Okay, you better not be lying!" Suddenly, their courage flared again.

"The cleansing is something the Guardians of Light host every 3 years. Many High ranked adventures and people from other organizations come here to take down as many dungeons as they can."

The tattooed man looked closely at Vitiate's facial expression to see any changes. He wanted to see his fearful face, but he was disappointed as Vitiate's face never changed!

"Go on!" Vitiate blinked slowly and said.

"They have this competition to see who can get the most monster corpses and Dungeon cores. Dungeon cores are worth a lot of points if you can get one. The winner will receive many rewards like high ranked relics, weapons, armor, and Platinum Coins!"

"I see! So when does this competition start?"

"I-it starts in 6 months from now, it's going to be a big event, so expect a lot of action when the time comes!"

With those words, the vines released both of them.

"Hand over all your valuables and I won't kill you!" The men quickly handed over all of their items. The poor bastards didn't have much but they had one item each that was worth it.

"Can we go now!?" The scarface man hollered and said.

"Ah, yes, thank you for that, you saved me the trouble of looting your corpses!"


Vitiate's words were like a signal, an arrow came flying out of the shadows into the Scarface man's forehead! His eyes were wide from surprise but he soon fell to the ground dead!

"What!? You said you would let us go!" The tattooed man screamed as he looked at Vitiate with anger.

"I'll let you go, but I don't know if they will." Vitiate stepped back as a mace came over the tattoo man's head.

Vitiate looked away, he didn't want to watch!

He had the Dungeon swallow the 3 quickly.

[Ding! Slaver Trader Adventurer has died in your Dungeon, you've received: 12,000]

[Ding! Slaver Trader Adventurer has died in your Dungeon, you've received: 13,500]

[Ding! Slaver Trader Adventurer has died in your Dungeon, you've received: 11,000]

Vitiate picked up their items and tossed them outside of the cave room. He also picked up the Fire Aspect Sword and tossed it out as well. The armored man was still knocked out, but he was already wrapped up by the Vine Grapple.

Vitiate was getting tired, he was just about out of mana as he was already sleepy when he came here.

He got down on the ground in a push up like position to look under the bed. He could see the eyes of the little girl, they had no fear in them at all, there was nothing as she stared back at him silently.

"Warren, lift and move the bed away, don't hurt the person underneath it." Vitiate had decided to call the Hobgoblin Warren some time ago. The Hobgoblin sheathed its sword and walked towards the bed in huge strides, it lifted the bed effortlessly and threw it away.

"Hmm, so you're a Demi-Human or Beast man, right?" Vitiate asked.

"....." She remained silent.

"Too skinny, not good food at all, nothing but bone and skin, not tasty!" The Western Orc looked the kid up and down and found that she barely had any meat on her. Its speech patterns were similar to the Ogre's but slightly better.

"Good mate, me take as mate!" The Eastern Orc smiled and showed a bit of favor to the little girl, it seemed to want her as a mate!

"Are you crazy!? Do you want to kill her with that thing, she is only like 8!" Vitiate had the urge to kick this Orc, he had looked in on floor 3 and found that he would be Fu***** nearly every time!

"Age no matter, it still makes kids!" The Orc shrugged, it didn't see anything wrong here.

"Go wait outside!" Vitiate's mouth twitched, this guy would screw a goat if he could catch it! The Orc put his hands out in an 'I don't understand way' and walked out.

"Now then, what is your name, little girl?" Vitiate smiled and asked, he tried to look as friendly as he could.


"Uh, okay!"

At that moment, the armored man started to wake up.