Finishing The Floors!

The armored man slowly opened his eyes, at this point, Vitiate had pulled the little Demi-Human by his side. He was too tired to even listen to this guy, he wasn't anything good so he had the hobgoblin stab him in the throat.

Vitiate turned around along with the Demi-Human and walked out of the cave room. He sent his Dungeon Force upon the Demi-human to see if she would give in. He didn't want to kill a kid that looked like she'd been through hell already.

[Ding! 1 Sentient being has joined your Dungeon!]

[1 Demi-Human has been added to your ranks!]

[Congratulations, you've earned 50,000 Dp with your recruitment of one ???-tier Raced Being!]

"So Fast!"

She submitted without a fight or any resistance!

Vitiate looked the kid over, she was dirty and smelled sour, when was the last time they cleaned her?

"Damn, someone give this kid a sandwich!" She was just too skinny, she nearly looked like a skeleton. Vitiate sighed, then reviewed her status, she obviously didn't care about her fate with those dead eyes.

Name: Nina

Title: The Kidnapped, Survivor, The Hopeless, Dead Weight, Meatshield

Race: Demi-Human

Race Type: Fox

Age: 12

Class: N/A

|💚Vitality: 10 |💙Mana: 0 |❤️️Strength: 20 |💜Spd: 23 |💛Intelligence: 80 |🧡Dexterity: 15 |💗Charm: 15 <(Dirty and Smelly)

Elements: N/A

Techniques: N/A

Passive Abilities: N/A

Innate Talent: N/A

"What? You're actually 12 and not around 8?" She was pretty small for her age, was this because of the lack of nutrients she was deprived of?

"Ouch, that status sheet is rough, you've been through hell and back, what a strong kid!" This status page was crazy in his eyes, she was also weaker than a Goblin in terms of stats.

[Ding! Slave Trader Adventurer Leader has died in your Dungeon, you've received: 15,000 Dungeon Points!]

Vitiate felt that the man should be dead at this point, so he ordered the dungeon to absorb any dead bodies around. The Eastern Orc seemed to be talking with the female Goblin Bowman, was he trying to hook up with her!?

The Goblin female looked like she was ignoring him, but he didn't get the message and kept talking! Soon, the rest of the monsters came out of the room, they were deciding on who got to eat the body, but the body disappeared into the dungeon.

With that, Vitiate warped all the monsters back to their floors except the Goblin bowman and Hobgoblin Warrior. He had both of them help carry the weapons he looted from the men. Vitiate could absorb the weapons into his dungeon for points but he needed as many weapons as he could get for his monsters.

Author Note: His real name isn't Vitiate, it's more of a title than anything else. If you looked up the definition you'd understand a bit more on why he named himself that.

He took the Enhanced Fire Aspect sword, it was an uncommon grade but it was so close to a rare grade weapon, it was seeing a breakthrough soon.

Yes, enhanced weapons could level up under certain conditions, though the conditions were unknown in most cases. Vitiate took this sword, he wasn't too fond of swords but he'd use it if he had to.

There was quite the amount of weapons to carry. These were tools from the outside, so he couldn't just control where he wanted them right away. Thinking of this, he gave the fire aspect sword to them to hold until a later date.

The Hobgoblin's eyes flashed with happiness as he took the sword into his hands. Afterward, the duo left back to the second floor. In this one night, he'd seen a great increase in Dungeon Points.

Vitiate now had a total of 262,150 Dungeon Points!

Being on the first floor, he walked over and sat on a rock within the cave. The cave had lights all around do to the green and blue glowing crystals.

"Time to add more monsters to the dungeon, so I'll upgrade and add another floor." With that, he ran through the system's monster list. The system had gained 4 new monsters and several other new things from other categories he wanted to check out.

"The 4 new monsters are Ratmen, Deformed Mutants, Trap Door Worms, and a Sludge Monster!" The Sludge Monster could be considered a Boss level monster, it was perfect for the 10th floor's Boss!

"Okay, before adding monsters to the 8th floor and up, I better put more monsters on the 7th floor." There were only Western Orcs on this floor, so he would need more than just this. Vitiate decided to put 2 Sabertooth Lions on the floor with them.

They both Cost 2,400 Dungeon points each.

"Now we can start the 8th to 10th floor." Vitiate had to think about this one, he didn't know what monsters to use yet. So, he ran through the terrains and environments to see what would go good with his monsters.

After scrolling for a bit, he spotted something interesting but disgusting. "Haha, this will work well with the Ratmen, Mutants, Trap Door Worms, and the Sludge Monster!"

It was a Sewer environment, it counted as an environment. The sewer was a tunnel-like sewer, but there was very little water for this floor. There would be water dripping from the ceiling from time to time but that was it.

Like all sewers if not most, it smelled bad here! This would surely drive some invaders crazy, it may even hamper their senses. The Ratmen didn't cost much, but they were a good investment. They spawned with a weapon at random, it was either a dagger, crossbow, or knife.

Ratmen had decent intelligence, they used poison a lot when fighting. They were also good at sneak attacks, not to mention that they were cunning. They reminded Vitiate of the old twitch before his rework in League of Legends.

They were hard to look at, they had either brown or black hair on their bodies. The Ratman cost 700 Dungeon Points each. Vitiate bought 12 Ratmen and placed them on this floor, they loved the darkness so they instantly adapted.

Vitiate also put 5 Giant rats in this place, they were the size of a small dog. They had ugly yellow sharp teeth that could rip through steel accompanied by their Red eyes with night vision!

Vitiate moved on to the 9th floor, he still made this into a sewer system, but it was polluted! This time, he bought 6 Ratmen, 2 Giant Rats, and a TrapDoor Worm!

The Trap door worm ambushed people from underground like the trapdoor spider. It had a mouth of razor-sharp teeth with pale bronze skin. It hid near the entrance to the next floor to ambush any unsuspecting victims and intruders.

Vitiate felt like he wanted more for this floor. However, he wouldn't dare to venture to this floor, he might vomit and faint if he did. There was a sewage water system on this floor with unknown foams floating in and on the water, he would rather not try to figure out what it was!

Sludge could be seen on the walls. The Sewer environment cost 250 Dungeon Points, this was cheap just like all the other environments and terrains.

"Ah, yes! I can add a Zombie on this floor, but a decent one!" Vitiate clicked the zombies and saw many variations of the zombie. He went with the Plagued Zombie, it had black hole eyes with black skin. Its nails and teeth were sharp, it was swift in movement and blended well in this environment.

The Zombie had worn out armor on. It walked to the nearest corner and sat down in place, it didn't move and sat still as a statue. Once it sensed or detected an enemy, it would rise to seek them out!

The Plagued Zombie naturally had the Death Element and could be deemed more dangerous compared to the regular Zombie.

The plagued Zombie cost 1,500 Dungeon Points.

The 10th Floor remained a sewer, but it was much more spacious with some lights lighting the way. The Pollution had reached a whole new level, it was far worse than the previous floor. The water was grayish-black, with yellow in some places! Sludge fell from the ceiling from time to time, it was even on the walls and floor!

"Goodness! No one could pay me enough to go to this floor!" Vitiate shook his head, he didn't even want to look at this floor much longer!

With that, he started to add monsters, he put 6 Ratmen on this floor. He also added 2 Ratmen warriors who spawned in with random warrior weapons. One had a spear while the other had a Sword.

Vitiate also bought and added Deformed Mutants to this floor! Just like the name implied, they were deformed badly! If anyone saw this at night, there was no question that they'll be running the other way without needing to think about it!

One of their eyes were bigger than the other while their face appeared to look like it was melting. Everything was uneven and out of place on their bodies, they had pinkish meaty skin that looked like it was bruised and damaged as it bled allot.


Its Blood bubbled and sizzled upon contact with the ground!

"Acidic Blood!" Vitiate was a bit surprised but he was in favor of it. Anyone who wanted to get physical with it in any sort of way would need to be careful.

Vitiate bought 3 of these, they cost 1,500 Dungeon Points each. There were variations of it, but it costs more for them, he didn't need anymore, for now.

The warrior Ratmen cost 900 each. Now, it was time to buy the Boss of this floor, the Sludge Monster!

Vitiate had already bought this floor which cost 2,000 Dungeon points. He fixed up the dungeon boss room to suit the Sludge Monster, it was toxic waste in the room as well!

"Ha! I hope they bring a face mask to cover that face of theirs or they may be in trouble!" Vitiate smiled with satisfaction.

With that, he added the Sludge Monster into the room, it cost 12,000 Dungeon Points to buy.

Everything was costly, but he had to do it.

"All done! I think it's time to create my new form for my training!" He had thought about it for a bit and came up with an idea for his first form.

As soon as he was done saying that, he heard a notification!
