What To Expect!

At this time, a month had already passed by on top of the 2 weeks that had passed before. There were 2 more weeks left before the start of Vitiate's raid. In this time, he was training rigorously with his Weapon and Elemental Mastery.

He improved quite a lot from his training, all his Skill and masteries had gone up. Of course, he learned new skills naturally through training. Yesterday, he found that the Ogres had reached complete enlightenment and took the Tablet away from them.

With that, he bought 3 skeletons and put them in a secluded area around the tablet. Vitiate chose to train on the 15th floor and he would just head to the 21st floor to fight some puppets to train himself further.

There was a reason he chose to train on the 15th floor, he had found a few things out about the Dungeon. Vitiate wanted to quicken the growth of his monsters as fast as he could, so he asked Lily a couple of things.

She was still a Dungeon core, so she knew a lot more than him, she just never bothered to explain since he never asked. Lily wouldn't know what he wanted to know unless he asked, she was still a child and newborn to some degree.

What he found out was that he could concentrate all of the mana onto specific floors. So, he stopped the flow of the other floors and concentrated the flow of mana onto the 2nd and 15th floors.

The Monsters could feel the mana around them burst with thickness, this improved their training speed quite dramatically. Despite them feeling the mana around them grow stronger, it didn't mean they could use it like Enhancers or Casters. Instead, it would strengthen their bodies and training speed, this also improved their awareness.

Vitiate didn't forget to put the bad-tempered Dragon and Wind wolf on the 2nd floor to train to.

This included her 17 wolf buddies, he even put Nina there to train, she would come back to the 21st floor exhausted but she was improving a lot. Her little pet even went with her to learn how to fight, so they could coordinate in battle. This didn't mean he was going to let her participate in this raid, she would be by his side at all times, at least.

Vitiate was especially going to take care of her improvement in the future with the skills he was going to give her. He had thought about infecting her but held off on that until a later date, he'll see how things go first.

Now, with the mana flow getting stronger on the 15th floor, the eggs hatched much faster. They started to grow faster as well. If an adventurer saw this, they would immediately scream and send a red alert to all towns in the nearby area, this was a serious threat!

The standard worker Ant was reddish-brown with sharp mandibles protruding out of their faces, they had black eyes with sharp legs that were meant for digging and killing. These worker ants came with the natural Earth Element. Their armor shells were tough to bypass but it could be done if they targeted their weak spots, their joints.

Then there was the Guardian ants, they were orange in color and were bigger than the worker ants. They had the same features as the worker ant but their bodies were bigger and their eyes were red.

Finally, there was the Royal Guard Ants, they were slightly bigger than the worker ants. However, their size was something you shouldn't underestimate, they were much stronger than guardians.

They had a Silver Body, with 4 wings on their backs, they could use two elements naturally, with this being Wind and Earth Elements. What amazed Vitiate most about these Ants was their ability to transform into a humanoid existence, not even the Dragon could do that yet!

In a humanoid form, they were the size of a tall human, they could move much faster through the air with aerial attacks. They were smart enough to use weapons, they highly favorited piercing weapons like spears and Lances.

The ants that could work started digging a deeper and bigger nest right away. There were many of them, and once the nest was deep enough they were going to carry the queen down to a safe position.

At the moment, Vitiate was satisfied with his training, he needed to upgrade the Dungeon more to make his training much faster. For now, it was time to go over the battle plan with the Monsters he was going to put in charge. There were some monsters in this forest that weren't something they could easily deal with.

Vitiate bought 4 Mud Golems and placed them on the 15th floor as well, he wanted to see if they could evolve into Rock Golems but it never happened. So, he just decided to use these in the upcoming raid.

Vitiate was running very low in Dungeon Points but it would be worth it in the end, he thought. If he had to throw them in cages and beat them into submission, he would. Sadly, if he had to kill them it would have to be so, he would still be getting Dp from their deaths.

With that, he warped to the 2nd floor, this place was crowded with monsters training and talking. Some were enjoying food while others drunk some wine and liquor, yes, he bought these things for them. Vitiate was technically underage to drink these things so he didn't bother to drink them, he didn't want to anyway.

He arrived at the training field where a big group of monsters were training. A few Kobold Warriors and Bowman had evolved into Kobold Knights and Kobold Sharpshooters. These were the veterans he bought when he first got the Dungeon so this made sense.

There were two types of Kobolds, ones that were lizard-like and the ones that had wolf-like heads, he had the wolf type Kobolds. Vitiate liked these types more than the Lizard kind, so he was happy to see them advance in strength.

He noticed that the Minotaur was training the hardest, it was practicing with a huge battle Axe against the Orc male. The Eastern Orc male sadly didn't stand a chance, it was overwhelmed every time in the spars they had.

"Damn it! you cheat, size too big, can't win!" The Orc seemed kinda butt hurt from his constant losses.

"Sore loser, all Skill, you puny weakling can't defeat real warrior!" The Minotaur Grinned in contempt, they both sounded funny due to their weird speech.

Despite their bad speech, they couldn't be considered dumb like the Ogres who was surely not the brightest.

"Rematch, will beat dumb bull this time, will crush fat cow!" The Eastern Orc shifted his Axe in front of him ready for a second round.

"Stupid pig is too weak, me beat ugly smelly pig again until it understand the weakling it is!" The Minotaurs eyes flashed with fury, Vitiate knew it had a skill called berserk which wasn't anything to look down on.

"Aye! That Cow and Pig are back at it again, someone stopped them!"

"Uh oh, someone better call Warren, these guys don't know when to call it quits!" A few Kobolds and Goblins off to the side had been watching the whole time. This happened way too often so they had grown used to it, it started on day one when the Minotaur was ported to the 2nd floor. Some unknown conflict had broken out between the two.

Vitiate was speechless, he was in the forest watching the whole thing. "I guess competing is still a thing in Dungeons but no one should be getting killed over it!" Just as he said that, a slash split between the Minotaur and Orc before they could clash again.

"Okay, you guys break it up, go rest and eat before pumping up again." Warren suddenly showed up to break the fight up, the Eastern Orc had grown bigger, he had evolved as well but was still having a hard time against the Minotaur.

"Next time piggy, you get lucky, next time turn to pork chops!" The Minotaur walked off with a sneer on its face.

"Stupid fat cow, all fat, no real strength!" The Eastern Orc gritted its teeth and left the training ground soon after. Warren scratched his head, he didn't know how to feel about these two.

Vitiate walked out of the forest and approached.

"Ah, Master, you've come, its been so long!" Warren noticed Vitiate right away and so did everyone else.

"Oh, yeah, it looks like you've got your hands full." He looked around at the once training monsters, who started to stare into their direction, they obviously wanted to come over and greet him.

"What brings Master here today of all times?" Warren asked curiously.

"Assemble the aven.. I mean assemble the Hobgoblins and High Kobolds!" Warren didn't question him anymore and went to seek out the other Hobgoblins. Vitiate already knew that the Enhancer Hobgoblin was giving the Ogres the rest of the skill books to practice at this time.

He walked into a house he made some time ago, it was a humankind type. He sat at a table and waited for everyone to come, he even called the Lizardman leader and Western Orc over. Within 5 minutes, everyone that was called showed up.

They looked around when they entered and stood around the table in the room. Vitiate looked around and nodded before pulling out the map he stole from the explorer. He sat it on the table and everyone instinctively looked at it.

"Hmm, is this a map of the forest?" Warren looked and asked, he was just guessing.

"Yep, this is a map of the forest, this forest is called Dread Forest, it's made up of 5 sections. You can probably guess why I'm showing you this map." Most nodded but few shook their heads in confusion.

"Before I explain, let me show you something to help you understand what we're dealing with. This map will be what'll help us with our upcoming raid." Vitiate then pulled up 10 virtual screens of many monster territories he reviewed daily. He showed them the scene that the Scout Crows had seen, and even the death of one of the Scout crows.

After watching the video on the screen, everyone was stunned but there was excitement on their faces as well. "That swamp doesn't look like a place I would ever spend time at, it looked poisonous and smelly!" The Lizardman could tell that it wasn't a place any normal creature could survive, he didn't like the water coloration which screamed polluted!

"That's right, it is polluted to the extreme, I'll be sending Mud Golems or maybe the Rock Golem to that swamp to conquer it."

"Are we splitting up again.. or?" Stella wasn't sure, so she asked

"Nope! We'll overwhelm these monster clans with numbers and surprise attacks." Vitiate began to relay more about the monsters in the area, but one stuck out most to everyone.

"These Sharkmen are near the lake here, it's the lake near the human village." Vitiate pointed to the map and continued "Sharkmen are a Hyper-Aggressive race that'll target, kill, and eat anyone or thing they see that moves. Their own kind isn't even spared from this as they would also resort to cannibalism in rough situations."

Sharkmen used bone saw weapons that were outlined with spikes. They stood tall and had bulging muscles with deep black eyes as dark as night. To note, they were good at Close Combat and using their natural element which was water, and if they were special, they could use the Metal element as well.

"What a strong beast, I can't wait to fight it!" The Western Orc loved a good fight, it couldn't wait to test its strength against the Sharkmen.

"The lake is their stomping ground, it won't be so easy to take them down but..." Vitiate suddenly thought of the Little Dragon, it could get the job done with its skills. Vitiate showed them another location, it was the location of the Arachnid Dungeon that was attacking his dungeon in the past all the time!

"The Spiders that attacked before, so it was this Dungeon's doing!?" Stella's expression turned cold, her mom was killed by these spiders during that attack, she was trying to put out the fire at that time but died while doing it.

"That's right, we'll have to deal with them too, it shouldn't be hard now, but I would like to know how many floors this Dungeon has." Vitiate wasn't sure but he was certain it had about 15 or so, he was planning on using the Dragon-Rex to Raid this place with the rest of his monsters.

As of now, the Dragon Rex was the strongest monster he had, it wasn't as strong as a True Dragon but it was enough to handle most enemies around.

He started to tell them to create cages if they had to, they would need to bring captured monsters back with them somehow. Now, if a monster was killed off by them, they were to give the corpse to Vitiate to store away. He continued to tell them more about how strong they could get from taking down other dungeons, thus, this served as even more fuel to make them fight harder.

The Western Orc didn't know too much but he knew he had to kill to get more strength, so he welcomed it. With that, the meeting ended, everyone now knew what to expect, so they went to make preparations.

Lily was spending most of her time playing around with the Clowns on the 20th floor. She loved the tricks and shows they would perform, so she asked Nina if she wanted to go but was completely refused on the spot. The Dragon went, she actually like the clown show and found it funny and entertaining.

They had many fun tricks but they also had many deadly tricks like acid balloons, exploding toys, and presents! Vitiate sighed, what kid was so scared of clowns that they formed these types of monsters with their imagination!?

With the growth of the Ants in his Dungeon, his Danger level had gone up again, he was now a Grey Grade Level 2 Dungeon!

Vitiate went back to the 21st floor and looked at the Dragon-Rex Card. It was a Dragon Rex Alpha, so it was pretty powerful.

"May as well summon it." Vitiate shrugged and crushed the card.

Suddenly, a huge silhouette appeared.