Terror Mountain Dispute!

The Giant Dragon Rex landed on the ground flapping its wings, it stood straight up on its hind legs. The Dragon Rex had a large jaw full of thick sharp teeth, it had spikes nearly all over its back with a huge horn on the tip of its nose. It had so many teeth that they were coming out of its mouth despite it being closed.

The Dragon Rex looked around and discovered Vitiate during its search. Vitiate scanned the creature and was certain that this was the strongest monster in his Dungeon indeed. He reviewed its moves and was surprised at what it could do.

Vitiate just told the Dragon to go about its business elsewhere, he was contemplating whether to let it guard his Dungeon during the raid or just take it with him for it. With that, the Dragon Rex flew off into Paradise Garden's Forest, he would need to feed it later.

Vitiate went about with his business, he wanted to upgrade his Life Element, it was something he didn't get to train in this time.

Suddenly, Lily appeared before Vitiate.

"Master, Master, there are Earthquakes hitting the first and second floor!" Lily quickly said.

"Earthquakes? Does this Forest get earthquakes?" Vitiate stood up and warped to the 2nd floor.



Suddenly, the 2nd floor shook, it was indeed an earthquake, at least that's how it felt.

"Master!" Warren quickly ran over with the Hobgoblin Enhancer, he hadn't given this Hob a name yet.

"The Earthquakes are only shaking floors 1 and 2, the rest of the floors aren't exposed to the tremors." The Enhancer had checked and found that this was the case.

"Yes, I heard from Lily here, but why would this place get hit with an earthquake and only two-floors at that?" Islands like these did have a high probability of getting hit with earthquakes, but why was it only targeting the 1st and 2nd floor?

Everyone was silent, they couldn't answer that.


Another quake shook the Dungeon, it couldn't be that someone was hitting this place with Earth Elements, right!? "No! Why would they attack this Dungeon from the outside, this can't be any earthquake because it's affiliated with the earth, thus it would shake the whole dungeon since I have no defense bought for the Dungeon."

It was only hitting the 1st and 2nd floor, so this wasn't an earthquake since an earthquake would shake the whole Dungeon. Though, regular Earthquakes wouldn't be able to do anything like shake it.

Vitiate thought no more about it and warped to the 1st floor's entrance. He was followed by Lily but she stayed at the Dungeon entrance. Vitiate looked up and could see shockwaves from Terror Mountain.

"Oh my goodness, I hope that isn't the volcano exploding!" Vitiate frowned, what would happen if this volcano erupted above his Dungeon? He didn't really want to find out! Vitiate immediately called over 3 Scout Crows to fly up the Mountain to check what was going on.

He walked back into the Dungeon and sat on a rock to watch through the Virtual Screen. As the Crows were flying up, they were hit with Shock and Heatwaves which blew them away like feathers!

"What the heck is going on!?" Vitiate's face twitched a bit, he needed to port his Dungeon elsewhere away from this place, or else! He quickly sent two more crows to investigate, the other crows were killed from the shockwaves!

This time, there were fewer shock waves but there were some Heatwaves that looked like vibrations in the sky. The Crows showed no fear and kept flying to the top of the mountain until they reached it.

The environment was set ablaze everywhere. Suddenly, an explosion shot out which destroyed the void nearby. A giant pillar of fire rose from the volcano and shot into the air toward an unknown silhouette.

The figure was unfazed by the attack and rammed its body towards the offender! Both figures flew high in the sky, it was a battle on this Volcano! Vitiate looked closely at the contenders, he recognized one right away, it was the Phoenix from last time.

It was fighting something in the clouds, the battle was terrifying, these two were very powerful! Both figures were giving off powerful Auras as they shook the sky and earth. Vitiate Commanded the Crows to get further away from the two to watch.

He got a good look at the second figure, it had a huge wingspan that Vitiate wouldn't be able to figure out with a glance. The Monster was Green and Black, to put it simply, it was a True Dragon! The Pheonix was fighting an unknown type of Dragon. Vitiate first thought was an Inferno Dragon but they were usually Black and Red most of the time and never Green.

Bright Orange light came from the Phoenix's Wings, green particles quickly made their way out and shot towards the Dragon. The Temperatures in the area skyrocketed, anyone near this area would probably suffocate to death if they weren't burned to a crisped first!

The Dragon's eyes flashed a green glow and it opened its mouth and shot out a chaotic DragonBreath. Both the Green particles and DragonBreath exploded upon contact with each other. During the explosion, the Pheonix took the time to rush the Dragon during the chaos.

The Phoenix moved so fast that it looked like a blur through the crow's eyes, it soon arrived at the huge Dragon's side. The Dragon didn't panic, its sharp claws shot out in a blink of an eye. The Pheonix's wings started to glow blue as it countered with its wings.

Vitiate Could only think of Pokemon when seeing this fight!

The sound of cracks could be heard, it sounded like glass was breaking for some reason. The sky cracked and both figures were blown away by each other's attacks. The Dragon's huge body slammed into the Volcano pit while the Pheonix was blown away somewhere else.

Another tremor shook the mountains, this time, it was far bigger than before!

"These two are the cause of these damned earthquakes, just what are these 2 fighting for anyway!?" He wanted to tell them to get lost and fight elsewhere, but how could they listen to that? If anything, they may target him before fighting again.

The Dragon arose from the Volcano's lava pit, it was covered in magma but Vitiate could see that it was hurt. The Dragon's thick scales were pierced by the Phoenix's strange wing attack moments ago. This wasn't a simple wound, it was hit hard and was bleeding pretty bad. The Dragon roared in anger and flew away clumsily towards the direction of the Glacial Zone, it didn't seem to want to fight anymore.

Moments after the Dragon flew away, the Phoenix came back, it was also injured from the exchange earlier. They were top tier monsters that were at the top of the food chain, they were nothing to joke with! The Phoenix's wings were both bleeding pretty bad, they looked like they were broken.

It landed near another Volcano pit to check on the strange colored egg from before. Suddenly, the Phoenix's body started to glow with red light, its body started to shrink. With that, the Phoenix started to change into a humanoid shape, once the light dissipated, she had turned into a Human! Vitiate was stunned but this was to be expected, Monsters like these could eventually learn to take a human form.

The Phoenix wore a Red and Black dress, she had no shoes or anything else but a dress on. The dress must have been bought by her because it had Divine patterns on it of many Pheonixes flying. She had one red eye and one orange eye, she had long fiery orange and red hair that was mixed together.

Her face was so shockingly beautiful that she could easily put the people from his previous world to shame! The dress couldn't hide her Voluptuous figure, her figure was in the shape of an S, how could she know to look this sexy in a Human Form!?

"This is going a little too far for a Monster that can take the form of a human!" Vitiate shook his head, who was she trying to seduce? But suddenly, she noticed the crows like last time, but she didn't blast them into oblivion like the last time.

"Who are you? You were spying on me last time, what is your objective?" The Phoenix's light voice came over as her eyes flashed red. At that moment, the crows felt a wind that seemed to be pulling them all in!

One of the crows manage to get away but the other one was caught by the Phoenix with her bare hand. "You better speak if you can, or I'll crush your pet into nothingness, you think I didn't noticed the Dungeon below my territory?" The Phoenix woman smiled coldly, she had known about Vitiate's Dungeon all along!

Vitiate's face turned a bit ugly after hearing what she said, she had long discovered his Dungeon!?

"Lady, Calm down now, you were causing earthquakes fighting that Dragon so I came to investigate!" His voice transmitted through the crow for the Phoenix to hear. Vitiate's face wasn't looking so good, was she trying to cause trouble for him?

"Oh, really, so what about the last time you visited me, what was that all about?" The Phoenix was quite arrogant, but this was to be expected of such creatures like these. The little Dragon he had was still arrogant despite it being under his control, they had a lot of pride in their race no matter what.

"I think you understand that my Dungeon was new at that time, so I went to investigate the area to see what was going on." Vitiate quickly answered, but he wasn't lying so he found nothing wrong with what he was saying.

The Phoenix smiled beautifully but then she grinned. "So, is that why you stole those Griffin eggs from the cave in the middle of this Mountain?" The Phoenix suddenly fired shots at Vitiate out of the blue, she even knew about that!?

"...." Vitiate was speechless, did she know every event that was going on around this mountain?

"Hahaha!" The Woman broke out in wild laughter, she was trying to picture Vitiate's facial expression.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter but I know for certain you probably had some ideas about my egg, didn't you?"

"Yep! I sure did at one point!" Vitiate said bluntly, he didn't need to lie because he really did. This Phoenix wasn't stupid in any way, she knew exactly what was going on so lying to her would be pointless as she might cause him trouble for it.

"Yeah, I know, I've already seen you on that night when those stupid Humans were fighting that Manticore, so I can picture how you look." Vitiate frowned again, was she a stalker or something?

"How about this, you come up to the mountain and greet me, after all, you're on my territory!" The Phoenix suddenly suggested something outrageous, this was too dangerous to do alone.

"Lady, are you trying to kill me or something?" Vitiate didn't like this idea at all, was she baiting him in order to kill him?

"Little Dungeon Master, if I wanted to kill you, I could have the minute your Dungeon had the nerve to appear in my territory." She shrugged, she had long sensed his Dungeon when it opened to the public.

"....." Vitiate was stuck in a dilemma, he wasn't an opponent of a Phoenix yet.

"As the Humans say, stop being a pussy and man up!" The Phoenix chuckled with a bit of disdain in her laugh.

"Alright, but don't try anything funny!" Vitiate warned.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" The Phoenix rolled her eyes and spoke in a sarcastic voice.

"I'm coming up then!'

"I'll be waiting, I'll hold on to your crow friend." The Phoenix continued, "You must be of some crow race or something, maybe a Golden or Nether Crow Monster, perhaps?" The phoenix speculated, he had used Goblins, Crows, and Kobolds from what she had seen.

Vitiate didn't answer her and went to grab his DragonRex to fly him up the mountain, he would rather not reveal anything to this nosy Bird!

"Haha! Won't tell me, huh? I'll figure it out when you appear before me!" The Phoenix smiled and turned to her egg, she had started to heal herself but this wound was quite inflicting, it was more to it than what met the eye.