The battle continued to rage on, Goblins, Lizard, and Crocodile men alike fell in battle. Sadly, Vitiate's army was outnumbered by at least 1000 troops. However, this wasn't all to his army so it could be said that he was on the winning end, at least according to him.
The Golem continued to kill its way to the wall, many Lizard and Crocodile men tried to stab and stop the Golem, but it was useless. Vitiate had the DragonRex on standby, for now, he didn't need to reveal all of his cards at once.
The only reason Warren went out to start an announcement was because Vitiate was busy appraising several monsters. This was the way to level it up, this would allow him to see more information on his opponents later in the future.
This skill cost mana to use, but it wasn't much being expended to use it. Vitiate had already gotten this skill to level 2 from scanning several monsters on the battlefield. He couldn't do it on the same monster all of the time since he wouldn't gain much proficiency from it.
Vitiate looked over at the Stronghold gate that had shut after releasing many monsters. "This gate shouldn't be as hard as the enforced stone walls." Vitiate grinned and stuck his hand out toward the gates.
Suddenly, yellow energy began to form in the palm of his hand, this easily got the attention of the Lizard and Crocodile men on the stronghold wall. There was nothing but physical fighting going on; on this battlefield, so anything out of the ordinary would catch anyone's attention.
"That Birdman is an Element user!" As soon as the Red lizardman finished speaking, Vitiate shot off his Light Laser skill! Yes, this attack looked similar to Kizaru's attack from one piece, it was the ability of light!
Once the laser was shot off, everyone on the battlefield turned towards the bright light.
"Take Cover!"
A deafening explosion shot out, causing many to cover their eyes from the bright light or their ears from the loud explosion. After 30 seconds, the light died down, and the gates that were once there, were no more!
"There we go, this should make things a bit easier." Vitiate nodded and looked towards Warren who was killing Lizardmen like helpless sheep. They couldn't hold up against such an advanced Goblin, they were just too slow and weak compared to him!
"This Bird Bastard destroyed our gates, he was an element user all along!" The Black Lizardman looked at the gates with annoyance in his eyes, yes, this was going to be a rough and long day.
Suddenly, the ground started to shake; the Golem stood in place after the laser was fired so it wasn't moving, thus, it wasn't the cause of this shaking!
"This doesn't sound good." Vitiate frowned a bit, was there something else approaching this area he didn't know of? Wide grins appeared on all of the lizard and Crocodile men's faces, they knew what was coming and started to feel a bit more confident in victory.
At that moment, a giant monster with a bare chest appeared at the stronghold wall. The Giant monster was on the other side of it, it had a huge horn on its head with one eye in the middle of its face. The giant wore a loincloth over its growing area, but it had nothing else covering its body but this.
"Cyclops!" Vitiate looked on in amazement, he wasn't surprised to see this monster, but he was stunned that they had something like this. He sighed, of course, it wasn't going to be a clean sweep, it had to be more to it. This stronghold had to have more to it than just a strong wall to defend it, right?
The Cyclops peered at the approaching golem, it had already identified it as an enemy. The Cyclops put both its hands on the wall and jumped over it like a fence! It landed on the other side of the wall with an earthquake-like slam.
The Cyclops roared and rushed the Golem soon after!
"It's a good thing it's just a Golem and not an elemental Golem type." The Red Lizardman sighed in relief; the Cyclops should be able to defeat a Rock Golem. Elementals were golems that used elements, you could think of them as being a different class of golems, with the current Rock Golem being a Brawler type.
All at once, the Golem and Cyclops clashed, they both stuck out their hands and grabbed at each other. Their hands connected as they were trying to push one another back, it was a battle of strength.
The Cyclops was slightly shorter than the Golem and wasn't as strong as it in strength. The Cyclops immediately picked up that it wasn't physically stronger after not being able to push the Golem back.
"GRRRR!" The Cyclops who was once pushing back, pulled the Golem forward under its already pushing force. Once it was pulled in, the Cyclops kneed the Golem in the stomach, causing the ground to shake.
"Get away from them, or you'll be crushed to death!"
It didn't matter who it was, it was best to not be near these giants during a fight, or you'll possibly end up smashed to death! Vitiate didn't watch the fight much longer and commanded the dolls, Corrupted bears, and jesters to kill during the chaos.
These monsters were also on standby somewhere in the swampy forest, so their presence wasn't known yet. Suddenly, two lizardmen were sliced up, they died on the spot from the sudden attack.
"What!?" A Crocodile man in full armor turned around and saw what he believed to be a man dressed up in a weird costume. Before he could say anything, a Joker card went through his neck, severing his head from his shoulders!
"Yahahaha!" The Jesters walked out of the forest and killed 3 warriors in a heartbeat. They came out alone, as the dolls and bears took a detour around to ambush a few more Lizard and Crocodile men.
While this was going on, the Dark blue Crocodile man scanned the battlefield, he was trying desperately to figure out why they couldn't use any sort of artillery attacks. He had the best eyesight amongst the others here, so he was good at searching.
This particular Crocodile man was good at searching element traces, he knew this was the cause of this mess. "I'm not sure what type of element it is, but the color of the Aura traces were green, what element represents that?" He was contemplating hard, but he couldn't figure it out.
"You said the element traces were green?" The Red Lizardman spoke, he was an Enhancer himself and a user of the Fire element, which seemed to be expected with his color and all.
"Yes!" He nodded and confirmed.
"So, was it light green, Dark Green, or just green?" The Red Lizardman seemed to want to confirm something.
"Green, just flat out green!" The Crocodile man knew his colors, mainly green since he was once a green Crocodile man at one point in time.
"Hahaha! I see, someone's using the Mind element around here to block our artillery attacks from passing through!" The Lizardman laughed, but it wasn't a laugh of joy, it was of pure annoyance. He really wished he could get his hands on that Birdman and crush him to death right about now!
"Mind Element, huh?" The Dark Blue Crocodile man looked over the battlefield again, he look much closer this time.
He scanned from the closest to the furthest monster, suddenly shockwaves shook the land and crushed the earth, it was the Golem and Cyclops battle causing these things! He looked passed this and made a great discovery, it was a strange man sitting crosslegged way in the back of these Goblin forces.
"What the...Found you!" There was green energy flowing around this being, this was the source of their setback! Killing intent suddenly appeared in the Dark blue Crocodile man's face, he spotted the root of their problems!
"What was that? Have you found the person causing this temporary set back?" The Green Crocodile man asked with joy.
"Yes, it's a man dressed in a strange outfit, he's posted all the way in the back of the Goblin forces. You can't miss him, he seems to be meditating while holding up some strange Mind force!"
"So, it was like that, if we kill him or disturb what he's doing, then we can possibly turn the battle around!"
Suddenly, the Cyclops landed a haymaker on the Golem's cheek, knocking it back! As the Golem was being knocked back, it managed to grab the shoulders of the Cyclops and pulled itself forth, headbutting the Cyclops in the face directly!
"GRRRAAAH!" The Cyclops roared in pain.
"To deal with that man in the back, we can't just run through the battlefield to reach him. I reckon that even ariel attacks won't do any good since that Birdman may be able to fly, not to mention that he's an element user!"
"Who said we had to attack him from the air or from a head-on attack?" The Red Lizardman chuckled and continued "Can't you remember anything, we have a task force that can dig underground to attack unsuspecting people!"
"Oh, yeah!" The Green Crocodile man was suddenly enlightened. The Green Crocodile man called a Lizardman over, he told him to relay his command to the Mining squad. It was simple, they wanted to sneak attack the man far off in the distance.
Once they sent him off, the sky suddenly went bright!
"What the hell is that!?" They all could barely see from the light but the Enhancer Lizardman knew this was an attack!
"Dodge, it's an attack, take cover! Flame Barrier!"
At that moment, light lasers that looked as thin as needles came raining down. Like rain, most were hit with these attacks and couldn't escape from them, it was an AoE type of attack. The Monsters that had armor on were fortunate and survived, but they still were slightly injured from the attack.
However, those without armor were flooded with what appeared to be yellow light particles. After 60 seconds of the shower of Light, the other warriors looked around to see if anyone was hurt.
It was dead silent as they looked around, there were corpses of Lizardmen only, most Crocodile men could endure, but they were still injured from the attack. Buildings had crumbled from the attack, they had never experienced being bombarded like this, so they were unprepared.
"What was that light just now?" Some random Crocodile man asked.
"It was that fucking birdman, he used something similar to destroy our gates, we need to kill this fucker or we'll surely fall!" The red Lizardman was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.
"Tend to the injured and take the dead away, we need to continue the fight. We'll mourn our dead brothers after this battle is over!" The Black Lizardman could say nothing more, what more could they do?
Suddenly, a Crocodile man ran over urgently, he looked panicked!
"What is it this time!?" The Dark Blue Crocodile man frowned.
"Reporting, sir!" The Crocodile warrior said.
"Some weird humans, no, they weren't human! They invaded our armory and started destroying our gear and killing the guards in the building!"
"How can anyone invade our base, we were watching the whole time!"
"T-t-they came out of the shadows and started attacking us, we tried stabbing them but they just kept getting back up, they didn't know death!"
"So everyone is dead at the 1st armory!?
"They burned the armory down after killing everyone, then ran off, we speculate that they went to the next armory. We sent more men to take them down, I just hope they can but I came to report this urgent matter!" The Crocodile man was losing his breath speaking so much, he had never said so much at once before.
They had a total of 3 armories, so they only had 2 left.
"The Guardians, where are they, they should be able to handle just about anything, at least a few goblins or monsters!"
"This..." The Crocodile man's face turned strange hearing about the Guardians, what happened?
"Don't hold back and tell us what happened, we need to know!" The Dark Blue Crocodile man who was usually staring at the battlefield was getting angry by the second!
"The both of t-them w-were p-pied to death!"
What the hell?
Pied to death?
The Crocodile and Lizardmen knew that pie was a delicacy amongst humans, it was food, so how could it kill anyone? Personally for the Lizard and Crocodile men, it didn't taste good at all to them. They knew it was food to humans and even for other races like Dwarfs and Elves.
"Explain yourself, we can't joke around in these times!" He was just saying that to the Crocodile soldier, he knew he wasn't lying about the situation, but pie, come on, seriously?
"The black-nosed monsters literally threw pies at them and they started to melt away like metal against lava, sir!" His eyes were swirling recalling the scene, he seemed traumatized to some degree.
"What kinda buffoonery is this?" Everyone's faces were twitching nonstop, who killed people with Acidic pies!?
"I'll go check it out, I'm taking the elite squad to deal with this problem!" The Green Crocodile man's eyes flash, and he walked off, no one disagreed with him checking it out and solving the problem.
"Send more people to back him just in case, we don't need any more casualties." They were losing men left and right, they needed to kill that oddly dressed man hiding beyond the battlefield.
"Have you guys decided to surrender yet, you better give up while you're still breathing, hahaha!" Suddenly, a mocking laugh and voice boomed throughout the area, it was Vitiate!
"This motherfucker!"