Activity In Dread Forest!

Dread Forest.

With the big battle going on at the Lizard and Crocodile men's stronghold, how could it not attract the attention of other forces? Elsewhere, there was a group of 3 men watching from afar, they were dressed in light armor.

One of the men was holding a spyglass as he watched the two Giant beings going toe to toe with one another.

"I hope you're recording this with the crystal ball, this battle is unlike anything I've ever seen so far!" This unknown man had a full beard growing on his face, but he was bald.

"Oh, yes, it's a good thing the recording Crystal ball has a zoom-in function, we're going to earn big with this recording, just look at those monsters!" Everyone had already been shocked seeing some of these monsters that were out of the ordinary.

They were actually quite far from the battle, but they were on a Large cliff watching, it was easy to see the two monsters fighting from afar. "Did you see the one with the black and white wings, it's like an angel or something, it must be a new monster type!"

"Oh yeah, it just blew a hole in the fortress gate, it's leading so many monsters, it's clearly really strong! I can't wait to return to Doran's Guild with this new info, the money and fame we'll get will be top tier!"

The man behind them was visibly drooling, all he could think about was gold coins falling into his pockets! "The creature is leading monsters, but it just used a light element attack on the wall, it even used some shower of light on the fortress!" The Light element was usually used by the Guardians of Light, was it Hostile or Neutral?

"It may be a monster from the Abyssal Brink, who knows at this point. Well, we were just promoted to E-Rank adventurers, so we may rank up again with this!" It didn't matter to the bald bearded man, all he was seeing was money and a higher adventurer rank.

"You're right, keep recording Roger, the more footage you get, the more money we get, haha!" The other man holding a spyglass laughed and continued to watch the battle.


Elsewhere in Dread Forest.

At this time, a group of adventures were hiding in the forest, they had once looked pitiful but now they were better. Leading these men was a blue-haired man, it was obvious who he was as he had attacked the elves recently.

"Blair, that monster horde from earlier should be around here somewhere, we came all the way to the swamp Zone for them." A man with an Axe on his back said.

"No worries, Vector is good a tracking so we'll be able to find them in no time." Blair wasn't a happy camper right now, he couldn't catch any elves.

He was originally apart of a slave-trader group recently, but they were forced to sacrifice all their slaves to survive the assault of a Manticore.

Vector picked up on something, but these tracks led into the swamp, while some led into another direction. "I speculate that some monsters went into the swamp while some went into another direction."

Vector was sure of his analysis, he was the guy who dealt with the slaves that ran away, he was good at tracking the runaways, so they couldn't escape!

"This leads into that poisonous Swamp, this doesn't seem ideal at all."

Another man frowned, this place was way too poisonous!

"We won't go directly into the swamp, we'll walk through the forest and watch the path from afar."

And so, the group moved through the forest and avoided the path into the swamp entrance. They did this to avoid being noticed by the monsters that clearly took the path to the entrance of the poisonous swamp.

Suddenly, they paused. Blair and his group easily spotted monsters from afar. "It's a group of Goblins, they seem to be waiting at the entrance for something. Look, they have... are those Mud Golems!?" The man with the Axe was stunned, did Mud Golems appear in this swamp?

Blair scanned the group of monsters, he was a bit surprised himself; they were all archery classed Goblins. He noticed something that caught his attention right away, it was an orange-haired Goblin that stood out the most.

"Hobgoblin!" Blair quickly said. He viewed her features, and was shocked, how can a hobgoblin look so human!? Despite evolving into the next stage, they would still retain their ugly mugged faces, but this wasn't so for this goblin!

Her body was quite nice, he also noticed the tribal marks on her and couldn't help but be surprised again.

"Oh, shoot! I think we hit the jackpot, boys! That Hobgoblin female has a lot of potential to grow, it's a rare human-like type, they rarely appear, ever!"

He was elated with this find.

However, he also noticed the Giant Minotaur by her side, it was bigger than the usual Minotaur, he could feel that it would be a threat if he dared to attack with his group! Everyone couldn't agree more, they had also long noticed the hobgoblin female.

"If its body is good enough, maybe we could..." He stopped as everyone looked at him, they all smiled sinisterly, yes, they would do that to her first!

Suddenly, they heard marching footsteps approaching, they all quickly hid their presence deeper to avoid discovery. They watched closely to see where the footsteps were coming from, then they saw them.

What appeared was a large group of Kobolds, they were being led by 3 other Kobolds. These Kobolds were bigger with Dark Blue Coats on their bodies. They sported nice armor and weapons, they couldn't help but frown deeply seeing this army of Kobolds.

But what they noticed next made them frown even more. The Kobolds were being followed by Ratmen, these guys only appeared in the Black Zone of this Island, why were they all the way over here!?

The Kobold Knights greeted the Hobgoblin female and Minotaur.

After talking for a little, the Monsters gave one of the Kobold knights some space. The Kobold knight through a Cube onto the ground and a cage came out. This cage was completely locked down with no holes or way out, anything in this cage would surely suffocate to death!

All of the monsters in the area suddenly pulled out masks and wore them over their faces. Once everyone checked out, two Kobold knights opened the cage doors.

At that moment, a foul stench escaped the cage, this was enough to make someone's stomach turn or cause a person to faint on the spot. The smell was so bad that you would probably get sick if you were exposed to it for too long!

All at once, a Dark Greenish brown gooey Monster made its way out of the cage, it had no eyes, nor did it have a mouth. It looked like a blop of some sort, it was the Sludge Monster of the 10th floor!

The Men in the forest immediately started barfing as they took several steps back, the smell had reached them in a matter of seconds! They were now shocked, it was a hazardous monster type that was in the cage!?

"Fuck this!" One of the men wasn't going along with this, no way!

"I agree! We'll wait until the time is ripe!" Sadly, Blair couldn't agree more; this was getting out of hand, how were these monsters so organized?


At this time, the elves had come to a decision to follow the trail of the monster horde. They couldn't shake the feeling of seeing so many monsters heading in the direction of their kingdom. They had just missed the Kobolds that recently went off into the Poisonous swamp.

They moved stealthily through the forest, it was like they had dead silence on. Caitlan suddenly started feeling a headache recalling the clowns, dolls, and jesters. This was no different for the orange headed woman who was by her side.

"Relax, you two, we're going to confirm if that monster horde is attacking our home or not. We can't be cowards in these type of situations, we must defend our home!" The Pink haired woman spoke strongly, she was confident in her ability and people.

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Caitlan said tiredly and lazily.

After receiving speed buffs from the forest with their elven skills, they saw something incredible from afar.

"What the... is that a Rock Golem?" The Purple haired man, who was apparently Caitlan's brother asked in a strange tone.

"Goodness! It really is a Rock Golem, look at the coloration, it's most definitely a Rock Golem!" The black-cloaked man's eyebrows knitted, what was this type of creature doing here?

Golems such as Rock Golems could mainly be found in Tarnish Desert, so it was surprising to them all. Mud Golems couldn't evolve under the island's conditions unless it went into the Black Zone of Dread Forest.

"It's fighting a cyclops, it's the cyclops from the Dark Tavern, why would it fight a Rock Golem?" The orange headed woman was confused, cyclops usually like to be alone and wouldn't usually come out of their territory to seek trouble.

"Who knows, but we'll stop here. Climb the highest tree so we can see what is going on. The monster horde's tracks don't go very far according to my Earth Tracking skill."

The pink wavy-haired woman and the rest of the elves climb the tallest trees they could find to get a better look. The trees weren't tall enough, so she used her Wood element ability to make them grow much taller for all of them to see better.

They were shocked to see monsters going to war with one another. She saw the Goblins from before fighting against Lizard and Crocodile men. The Goblin warriors couldn't hold up against a crocodile man alone but they could fight decently against a lizard man.

Caitlan looked around, she didn't see any clowns right now, but what would she think if she knew they were in the forest? However, she did spot the jesters killing people in the most strangest way. One of the Jesters sprayed acid out of a flower on its shirt, melting a lizard man into nothingness!

The Pink wavy-haired woman seemed to be looking for someone on the battlefield. She looked towards the stronghold walls and saw exactly who she was looking for.

The being with wings!

He was moving his mouth and laughing, she could read his lips from afar, he was telling them to surrender! He had removed half his mask where his jaw was in order to speak with a louder voice.

"Is he really on a campaign of power, why would he make these Lizard and Crocodile men surrender to him?" It would be a lie if her Elven clan didn't see these Crocodile and Lizardmen as a pain since they were nearly next door to them.

"It seems so, it's no wonder he has so many Goblins under him, it all makes sense now." The orange headed woman nodded as to understand, but what is he planning on doing getting so many monsters?

"Maybe we should get in contact with him once this battle is over, if we ask, we'll know!" The Pink haired woman said bluntly.

"Roslynn, that'll be the death of us if we did that, are you kidding me!?" Caitlan's face turned unsightly, was she seeking death?

"If he wanted to attack us, he could have done it the minute we were detected in the forest earlier. I think it has greater pride than just outright attacking people, just look at it, does it really look so hostile?"

"Except it attacked these lizard and crocodile men, so that point is invalid. And hostility? Just look at him, have you seen anything like it before? Remember, anything too beautiful is the most dangerous in this world!" Caitlan ranted on and on, but Roslynn had stopped listening to her some time ago.

"Sigh, I see no problem with it, worst-case scenario, we can escape from it with the forest aiding our call." The black-cloaked man had no problem confronting the unknown creature later, this also applied to Caitlin's brother who just nodded.

The Orange-headed woman was daydreaming, she kept thinking about those killer clowns!

Caitlan sighed, it was nothing she could do.

At this time, there were other forces watching as well, but these forces weren't human, they were monsters of the night!

Author Note: I will continue with Part 3 of the stronghold battle in the next chapter. :D