Aria's Party Schedule!

Everyone looked on in surprise due to Aria effortlessly kicking the Witch away. They had spent all this time trying to hit her but failed. But with the appearance of another hero, she was able to do what they couldn't despite having 2 other heroes amongst them!

Aria floated in the air, she seemed to be able to manipulate the Gravity around her body, which allowed her flight. She wore a white and gold medieval warrior dress, with her upper body having bits of armor tightly grasped around her chest and torso.

'How could she have gotten this strong in just a months time, I don't understand!' Jack was aware of the Space Element, this had to be why she was stronger, yes, that was it.

This is what he told himself over and over again, if he had this power, he could get strong just like that quickly. However, he was unaware of the special title she had amongst the heroes summoned.

"Come out! Stop hiding in that hole, though, it does suit someone like you so it's understandable!" Aria smiled and taunted the witch who had yet to emerge from the wall she was kicked through.

"You little bitch! You sneak attacked me while I was talking, what kinda hero are you!?" Upon hearing Aria's taunt, the Witch finally emerged from the destroyed wall.

She looked at Aria coldly, she knew very well what kind of attack she had used! Needless to say, she wasn't thrilled in the least knowing she could use such an annoying and dangerous Element.

"Less talking, more fighting!" Aria didn't have time to talk about anything, she was the type that got straight to the point! After speaking, her sword started to glow with Yellow light, as she swung it in quick successions.

The Witch was annoyed seeing the indifference in Aria's face. Blades of Yellow light shot towards the Witch, she quickly pulled something from her bosom and teleported away. The area she was standing in was engulfed in yellow light, the slashes destroyed the black stone ground with ease, completely shredding it!


"My eyes!"

Everyone backed away or covered their eyes, this was an aftereffect of the Light Element. It would cause a person to cover their eyes if someone were to perform a skill from this branch. This wasn't the same for people who could use the element, this was ineffective on Jack, who still kept watching without blinking.

The Witch moved to a different part of the room and hurriedly shot an empowered Fireball at Aria. She didn't even bother to dodge, she was already skilled at the fire element. Aria herself was amazed by her progress back then, so she was confident in her abilities.

With that, the Empowered Fireball was dispersed! This Witch mainly worked on AoE power Skills, which took time to charge. This was her sad weakness that Aria could and see and jack had picked up on.

Jack could use his Innate talent to gauge this, and Aria had her Appraisal skill to see and scan her. The Witch gritted her teeth, how could a hero get this strong within month!? She didn't give up and powered up a FireShock!

"Hmm.." Aria frowned, she could feel how strong this attack was, but she still wasn't worried. Aria gripped her sword with two hands and put it in front of her face.

She closed her eyes as Red Aura circulated around her body. Aria was charging up an attack to counter the Fire shock. The witch was surprised, she thought she would be interrupted during her charge, and was prepared to use the item she had used recently to teleport to a different part of the room.

"Hejeje! Stupid woman, you've just dug your own grave!" The witch laughed meticulously, she was well versed in the Fire element, at least D Mastery at it!

"You Dumb Hero, Goto Hell! FireShock!" The Red bolt of extreme heat caused the temperatures to shoot up in the surroundings.

Aria remained calm and whisper the words, 'Plasma Cannon.'

Everyone's face turned ugly, they all had good hearing and knew this skill was too hot! Bieito was the first to retreat, followed by everyone else. Aria had already laid a barrier down where her allies were, so there was no need to retreat, but they didn't know that!

With that, a Violet beam and Dark Pink laser shot out of Aria's sword! Once it was fired, the witch's heart dropped, as the Black rocks immediately started to melt!

The FireShock and Plasma Cannon Collided, which sent a Powerful Heatwave out in all directions.

The Rocks were all turning into molten rock. There was another presence observing in the tower, he watched with interest from the shadows.

"Damn! The Witch is already at the D Mastery level, but the other Hero's energy fluctuation tells me she's at the peak level of E-Rank in the fire element, so how?" Bieito questioned, he and everyone else knew the basics of mastery and its importance, so this was odd to him and the group.

"How can she go against such a common rule, is she something that stands outside of the laws of the world?" It was unknown who muttered this because the temperatures shot up again, as the Plasma Cannon broke through the FireShock at that moment.

"N-noooo! Impossible!" The Witch wanted to use her escape relic, but it was too late! The attack directly made contact with her, thus, her body was completely incinerated on the spot. The Plasma cannon didn't stop, the purple-pink energy shot through the tower and into the forest where the tower was located.


A Giant Sphere of energy could be seen brightly over the forest, any monsters nearby were probably killed once it had detonated on the forest! After two minutes, the attack dyed down, but not before a fire started in the forest.

The guardians that were hiding in the shadows quickly rushed over to put the fire out before it got out of control. Molten magma had appeared where the witch once was, along with a gaping hole coated with molten magma that led outside.

Bella and Salene's mouths twitched, they were members of their party, but they felt she may have gone overboard.

"Hehe, looks like I went a little too far." Aria scratched her head and exclaimed.

Bella and Salene nodded quickly with eyes wide, it looked pretty comical.

"Couldn't you just spatial slashed her or something, that attack seemed a little overboard." Salene believed it shouldn't have been hard to just cut the Witch down with her sword.

"Yeah, it would have, but I don't want to show all my tricks to the other Heroes," Aria whispered to both of them, she didn't want to reveal too much of her space ability.

They didn't say anything and nodded as to understand.

"It looks like you manage to kill her with that over the top skill." The rest of the Hero parties walked over after confirming that the witch was no more.

"She's dead but not dead," Aria said.

"Dead but not dead? Pick one, is she dead or not!?" Jack glared at Aria, for some reason, he found that he didn't like Aria very much. He remembered that she looked weak and scared when she was first summoned, but now, it was completely different.

"Well, that was only the witch's clone, she probably left it here to fight us. They were probably just testing and gauging our strength to keep note of." Aria had appraised the Witch, so she noticed the clone body wording in her status.

"A clone? If that's so then her that wasn't her true strength, she should be more powerful than her clone body." Nicolas had quite the amount of knowledge with his noble status, so he knew a thing or two about the cloning skill.

"So we got defeated by a clone body?" Bieito wasn't feeling a bit down knowing this, but he understood why the gap was so huge.

"It's only because of the barrier relic, other than that, she would have long been defeated by us!" Jack didn't think highly of the witch, he was sure they could have beaten her without the use of her barrier relic.

"Speaking of which, how were you able to defeat her with your fire elemental skill despite being a tier lower than her." Norman from Jack's party was curious, he was also a noble who sought knowledge like most Enhancers and Casters.

Everyone looked to Aria with anticipation, how could she defy the Mastery Rule? Aria shook her head and reached into her armor. She pulled out a necklace that was around her neck, to reveal a blazing red stone.

"What is this stone?" Bieito asked hurriedly. He could feel the warmth coming from it.

"It's a Nova Keystone! How rare! Did the Palace Of Light give it to you!?" These were two women who remained silent until this point, they were stunned to see such a treasure.

Aria smiled strangely but still nodded in return.

"No wonder you're so strong, they're babying you when you should technically be weaker than us. Using underhanded tricks to gain victory isn't a real victory!" Jack took this time to insult Aria for using a treasure Keystone to gain the upper hand against the witch.

Aria's eyebrows scrunched, she could long tell that this guy had a problem with her.

"But weren't you just talking about how you could have won if she didn't have a barrier relic? I used my relic to even the playing field, but I didn't even need to use my relic to get through her barrier, unlike you."

Aria spoke calmly and countered Jack's ridiculous claim. This was a fight against an enemy, who cared about what tricks were used?

"Y-you! Do you want to spar, you think you're all that because you can use the space element!? Back in my world, women like you were put in their place!" Jack was pissed to the point where he wanted to spar and beat Aria.

"Hmm, if we sparred, you'd be beaten black and blue, so I'll pass." Aria was good a trash-talking, she and John trashed talked to each other all the time, but it wasn't anything serious.

"You bi...." Before he could finish, a shadow appeared behind him.

"Enough!" The man was tall and wore a black suit with a white office worker shirt underneath. Two other shadows appeared, one behind Aria and one behind Bieito.

"That will conclude this mission, we'll be heading back to our respective domains until further notice." The man in the suit said resolutely, he put his hand on Jack's shoulders and steered him away.

"It was a good fight by our young hero Aria, very well played." The man that appeared behind Bieito complimented before taking the hero party away. Bieito wanted to say something to Aria, but he was quickly moved away by the man that appeared.

All that was left now was Aria's party and the woman that appeared, which was obviously Melanie. Melanie didn't say anything right away and pulled out a scroll, she ripped it and the group teleported away.

Once they teleported away, they arrived in a town close by. They appeared in an alleyway, as to not draw any unnecessary attention.

"We have a lot to talk about, so let's talk it over while we're eating," Melanie's blazing red hair blew into the wind, as the group followed her out of the alleyway.

"What about that sealing item in the tower, and all of the possible treasures located in the tower?" Bella couldn't help but ask.

"They will be taken by the Guardians Of Light, they had already invaded the tower silently. Once they have retrieved the items, they will be taken back to the City of Light for inspection."

With that, Melanie, Aria, Bella, and Salene walked through the streets. Their clothes and features had long attracted the attention of many people. The town looked well defined, there were diners, food stalls, and people selling items and animals alike. The town was filled with people going back and forth, and going in and out of shops.

"Here it is, this place has the best food in town!" The group came across a 3 story building that said Tim's Food Dinery at the top of it.

Once they walked in, they were greeted by a man dressed in a black suit.

"Oh, if it isn't our V.I.P guest, Miss Melanie. Please, right this way!" Aria, Bella, and Salene were stunned but didn't visibly show it. The man guided them to a V.I.P room and handed them the menus before bowing and leaving.

Once the man left, Melanie's face turned serious as she looked at Aria and her party.

"That attack from earlier was a bit reckless, so it seems you still need more training and control. The Palace of Light head has signed you and your party up to leave to LunaStar Academy to train and learn more."

Luna Star Academy was one of the best Academies in the continent, it was filled with nobles and even some royalty from other continents of the world. The Academy also had commoners who had amazing grades and fighting skills.

Aria's expression looked troubled, she didn't like the idea of going to school again in another world. Couldn't she just learn from the Palace instead of going to an Academy filled with spoiled nobles?

"I know what you're thinking, and yes, they're spoiled. However, you're status as a hero outweighs any of theirs, so they won't give you any trouble. Besides, this is a battle academy, so fighting and gaining experience from here will help you improve."

"Sigh, I see! So, how long will I be at this academy before I can leave?" Aria would rather not go, but she didn't have much of a choice. She just wanted to kill the Demons and Devils and head back to her world soon after.

"You'll be there for 3 months, so you won't need to worry about staying any longer than that. We'll also be looking out for more people to join your party, hopefully, there aren't any annoying guys trying to join, if anything, no men at all."

Bella and Salene looked at each other, what was this hatred she had for men, they didn't understand it.

"What comes after that, there must be something else this is leading to." Aria knew this training was leading up to something, but there was no way they were going to have her fight the Demon Armies and Kings so fast, right?

Melanie smirked and said.

"You'll be participating in the event on AsheFall Island, the Dungeon Cleansing Event!"