Elven Party's Report!

Yggdrasil Kingdom.

Neighboring Dread Forest was the Kingdom Known as Yggdrasil.

In this Kingdom, there were several tall and beautiful trees such as cherry blossom and fruit trees. The Buildings and houses were mostly green and built out of sturdy wood.

At this time, many Elves and even dwarves wandered the streets of this domain. The Elves had a solid and excellent relationship with the dwarves, so they could be seen walking around the streets often.

The dwarves set up blacksmith shops and usually helped the Elves while the elves did so in return. In the Center of the Kingdom, there was a large statue fountain with crystal clear water. Most elves hung around here to chat and converse due to the beautiful and lively environment.

Like Elves, they made sure there were several trees within the city that were well taken care of. However, beyond all of this, there was the ruling branch that watched over the kingdom. These were the councilmen who dealt with all of these important and political affairs.

The Council building looked similar to a Palace, it was station next to the Castle where the Queen and royals dwelled. Within this building, an Elven man sat at his desk browsing through several reports.

As he browsed through the reports, he couldn't help but frown as his face showed some worry. The man had beautiful facial features like most, if not all elves. His hair was Dark Purple, which was tied in a ponytail, this only made him look even more feminine.

"So the Humans have summoned Heroes, they're getting more and more troublesome. I hope these humans from another world are smarter than the ones we have in this one."

This man was known as Zillien, he was the leader of the council. The elves weren't in the dark about the matters of the world. Though they found out a bit late, they still found out about the hero summoning.

It wasn't like it was a secret anyway!

As he was browsing through other reports, he heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Zillien didn't even look at the door and kept going through the reports.

"It's Roctis and Roslynn's Party, they have returned from their Dungeon Mission!"

"Come in!"

Once the door was open, an old elven man walked in with the elven party they sent out 2 weeks ago. The Hero party all gave a small bow and waited for further instructions.

"Welcome back! It's great that you guys survived, I assume you've taken down a good amount of Dungeons around the Forest." Zillien looked up and scanned the Elven Hero party with a smile.

"Yes, here is our proof!" Roslynn pulled out a space bag, then she took out several Dungeon cores. She took out 8 Dungeon Cores and sat them on the display table in the room.

Zillien stood up slowly and walked over to the table to check the Dungeon Cores.

"Not bad, these are pretty decent cores, they'll help the Dwarves enforce and create stronger weapons."

Zillien gathered the Cores and placed them in his bag. He was going to hand them to the best dwarf in the kingdom, he had the Innate ability as a Power Forger. The Elves had to make better weapons like the hero of this world, who had the sword of Aether.

"Do you guys have anything to report that you may have seen out of the ordinary while taking down Dungeons?" Zillien made his way back to his seat behind his desk, before asking his question.

The group was silent for a moment before Caitlyn stepped up. Roslynn's eyebrows twitched a bit, but she didn't say anything.

"So, Caitlyn, you have something you saw that was out of the ordinary, I wonder what it is?" Zillien rested his head on both his cuffed hands, he was eager to hear what she had to say.

"While we were out, we came across a large monster horde. Before this happened, we were attacked by a group of humans that were trying to capture us. After we beat the Humans, that's when the monster horde appeared. At first, we weren't worried about them because it mostly consisted of Goblins, but we noticed something strange within this horde of Monsters."

"Humans attacking our people, this is a problem, they dare to attack us on our island! But this monster horde, what was so out of place that you should mention it? Monster hordes are common in Dread Forest, so what stuck out so much?"

Roctis listened from the side with interest, it was something he would have to tell to the other councilmen, anyway.

"Within this horde, there were a variety of monsters, but some were completely out of the ordinary. No, they were monsters that didn't exist, they couldn't exist, no way! They were monster clowns and jesters with strange and powerful abilities. They were heading in the direction of the kingdom at that time, so we decided to follow them to see if they were or not."

Caitlyn felt chills recalling the clowns, she didn't want to see them again!

"Clown and Jester Monster types?" Zillien started to think about it, but it didn't seem like it was something that was impossible to occur.

"So if I'm guessing correctly, they weren't targeting this Kingdom but something else." It wasn't hard to deduct if they were targeting this kingdom, they would have heard about it long ago.

"Right, they weren't targeting the kingdom, but a Lizard and Crocodile man Stronghold. The stronghold that isn't too far away, the one that requires you to cross a bridge in order to reach. What was strange about this horde was their leader, it was a monster I've never seen before, at least, I assume it's a monster."

Zillien interest had yet to be piqued, if it was a demon, then he would have to be more aware. Demons were on this island, but they were located in the Black Zone most of the time. These demons didn't have a clear leader, so they operated alone the majority of the time.

"The Monster had Black and White wings on its back, it wore a mask that covered its face all of the time. From what we could see, it was able to use the light element, but we're sure it didn't use its full power in that stronghold battle. Despite using the light element and other elements, like water, it was leading these dark sided creatures, I don't understand it."

Zillien finally showed a change in expression as he stood up suddenly. This even surprised Roctis who was listening from the side. "Explain in more detail, it had Black and White wings, it wore a mask and what else?"

Caitlyn was suddenly spooked with his quick change and backed away instinctively. Roctis put his hand on Caitlyn's shoulder, letting her know to be calm and just say it.

"H-he had a strange symbol on his mask, which was half Black and Half white, we actually manage to talk to him since Roslynn called him over. He noticed us earlier when we were hiding in the forest, but he ignored us."

Caitlyn spoke nervously, she didn't want to mess up in the face of this high figure.

"What does that description sound like to you, Roctis?"

"It's just as is, it sounds like it could be them, but they're located in the Southern continent."

"Its racial description sounds like a mixture of the Elyos and Asmodians, could he be a mixture of the two?" Both these groups were currently at war with one another, so why would one be here?

"It might be so, it could be a child created from a member of each party, thus, he was cast out as he wasn't accepted by either party." This was the only thing Roctis could think of, anything else didn't add up to them.

"Elyos and Asmodians? What are those?" Arlene, the orange headed elf could help but ask after thinking about it.

"They're basically Ascended Humans, while the other has purple skin, and seem more corrupted. They both still draw their power from the same source, I don't know all the details but they don't like each other very much."

Roctis gladly explained as best as he could.

"You said he spoke with you guys, what did he say to you?"

Roslynn stepped up and began to relay what he said. He didn't say much, but there were a few things he said to her that surprised her, like knowing she was a hero.

"Hmm, he doesn't seem hostile, and I don't expect him to be. The Asmodians and Elyos are only hostile to each other and no other party, unless provoked. I think since he was cast out, he is trying to build his own army since he's alone now. If you find the time, go meet him at the place he mentioned"

Of course, he told her to take her party with her if she ever considered it, just to be on the safe side of things.

Roslynn agreed, she didn't see anything wrong with it, she had read up on both of these races before, that was why he was so familiar to her back then.

"By the way, the Queen will arrive home in a week, we must prepare for her arrival. She will land the airship near the World Tree, so be ready. You guys go relax, we'll reward you with some good weapons and relics later."

Roslynn's party bowed and left the room.

"Interestingly, a half breed of such strong races has made an appearance." Zillien touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Hmm, Indeed, we'll have to see how things turn out. By the way, how's the political matter with the Queen, was it a success?"

"Yes, the King and Queen of StarFall have immediately agreed to the alliance. All we need to do now is to meet with the Dark elves." The Elites that were guarding the Queen had already sent news of the successful formation of the alliance, so he was already informed on the situation.

"Go tell the others about this, it's best they're updated on what's going on. I already know you planned to tell them anyway, but it needs to be sooner than later." Zillien ordered Roctis as he continued to browse through the reports.


With that, he walked out of the office room to inform the other Council members.