Setting Up!

F-Rank Quest were mainly lowly jobs like gathering herbs and finding missing animals. People came to the guild when they found something hard they couldn't accomplish alone. Vitiate could do quest up to E-Rank, but that was the limit.

After looking over the board, he grabbed a Goblin subjugation Quest, Slime Nucleus Quest, and a missing dog Quest. Vitiate saw some other quests on the board that obviously shouldn't be on this low ranking board.

There was a D++ to C-Rank Quest to Hunt a Manticore in the forest, it was the big topic around the town, the big bad Manticore! However, there were more important things everyone was worried about, and that was the people being Drained and found dead in the town.

This Missing person's and Murder Quest on the board had a Red Circle mark on it, this indicated the urgency of the Mission and that it needed to be completed ASAP.

On each paper quest he took, there was a rank of difficulty on them. There was a picture to represent it, like a picture of a goblin on the quest paper. The paper also showed how much you would get paid for the completion of the quest, and a number that represented how many points you would get if you completed the mission successfully.

From Linda's explanation, you would receive a certain amount of points for completing a mission. These points steered towards your next rank up, you'd get more points based on the difficulty, obviously.

Vitiate confirmed the missions he wanted to complete by Linda, he was given a certain amount of time to complete them before they were rendered void. This was an exception for the Dog hunting quest, which didn't have a time limit to it.

He was going to finish this mission last anyway, so it all worked out well. At this time, Rigor and company had already been given their newly updated Guild cards. There were several areas in this Guild, he learned that there were two upstairs sections.

There was a stairway near the door where you first walked into the guild, this stairway led to the mess hall where people dined. There was another stairway, but you needed to go through the doors that led into the Guild library.

Vitiate was unsure how many floors there were to this guild, he didn't bother to ask yet. But he found out that he wasn't allowed to go up those stairs, only D Rankers could advance up them. The rule reminded him of a certain anime he used to watch back in his world.

AN: 'cough cough' Fairy tail!

"Linda, you don't mind if I hit the library later, right?" Vitiate wanted to read a few books, there were things he wanted to find out.

"Of course, you're an adventurer now, you just can't go to the second floor in the library. Don't worry, once you reach D-rank, you're free to go up." There was more information on the 2nd floor, there was also 'tougher' missions.

Some missions were from other guilds and even took place off the island to accomplish. The Guild Id Card could record your battles as proof if you couldn't bring back something to prove your mission's completion.

These Cards looked normal, but they were actually pretty special. If you lost it, you would have to pay quite the amount for a replacement! Linda always answered his questions in a nice respectful manner, this restored his faith in this world's humanity.

The people in his world weren't nearly this troublesome, he was nearly forced to use drastic measures at the front gate! Once that was done, Vitiate spoke to the trio, or in this case, the three stooges. Sadly, this was in their title status page as well, when he first saw it, Vitiate was speechless.

The Group was hungry, this was mainly so for Lucas, so the trio said their goodbyes for now and headed to the second floor to the mess hall. Afterward, Vitiate left the Guild to the village to find someplace to crash for the time being.

The town was surprisingly well managed and nice, there were several houses and businesses on each side of the street. The place was pack and lively with people swarming the streets going in and out of businesses alike.

"Well, it's good to see humanity didn't change that much from my previous world. There has to be an Inn around here somewhere I can stay. If not, then I will be forced to head back to my dungeon until tomorrow, but that'll burn too much of my time."

Vitiate had no choices but to ask someone for help, so he asked an Oldman selling barbeque meat at a street stall. The Oldman told him where to go in great detail, so Vitiate sat down and bought some meat, he was hungry anyway. He could have gone with Lucas and his group, but had come to this town with an objective, so he couldn't waste too much time conversing.

Vitiate wondered why this place was called a village, it resembled more of a town than anything else. He asked the old man this question and the Old Stallman told him the whole story. Apparently, this place was once a village but when nobles started investing in this place, it grew to what it was today, a town.

After thanking the Oldman for his food and directions, he quickly left in the direction that was told to him. Under the directions of the Oldman, it didn't take him long to arrive at the Inn. The Inn was a 2 story building that went by the name of Dormir's Inn!

Once Vitiate walked in, he spotted a middle-aged man behind a desk reading a shady book, if you know what I mean! Once he saw Vitiate, he quickly put the book away and smiled at Vitiate.

"Traveler, you've come to the right place to get a good night's sleep! Please, come and sign your name and pay the toll of 2 Copper coins." The man feigned ignorance and smiled without a trace of shame on his face.

"...." Vitiate didn't say anything about the book or anything at all, and just read what he had to sign before signing it.

"Oh, I see, so you're going to spend a week at our Inn? Welcome customer, we welcome all people, here is your room key." The man handed Vitiate his room key with a strange but delightful smile, Vitiate took it and left without a word.

Once Vitiate was out of sight, the man's facade crumbled! "Fuck! He saw me, he saw it! He wouldn't say anything about my strange fetish hobby, right?" The man was sweating profusely all of a sudden, just what was he reading!?

However, Vitiate didn't care and made it to his new room, it was pretty standard. The room had one bed and a desk in it. The place wasn't nearly as big as his Old apartment, but it would do, for now.

So, what was Vitiate's Ultimate goal in coming to this place, it was simple. His goal was to make tons of money, he was poor but at the same time, he was rich. He needed a lot of money to maintain a race, he needed resources.

"I need to find an abandoned place over the world and I need to make a lot of money for construction purposes. But how can I make money fast, of course, I'm an adventurer now so that's a start."

Vitiate sighed and checked out the rest of his room, he had a little bathroom with a tub and sink. That was it, there was nothing else in this room besides that and his bedroom and desk. Once he was done handling where would stay, it was time to head back out.

He passed the man by the desk on his way down, the man had the same smile plastered to his face, but he was sweating this time around. Vitiate gave the man a nod before leaving the Inn to the streets of Goa.

"It's my first day here, so let's go around town for a bit, this place isn't so bad." The first place he visited was the Ocean where several ships were stationed and Docking. The ships were bringing in and shipped out goods to and from all around the world.

"Hey, mark, did you hear the news, the last ship that was bringing in goods was destroyed by a Kraken! The creature was massive, they couldn't even fight back as the ship was pulled to the depths!"

"I heard about that, this wasn't all to the story either. I heard that the men who jumped off the ship were attacked by sirens! These nasty deceitful Monsters have been killing sailors left and right, we need to do something about this infestation of Flesh-eating bitches or the market may crash!"

The sailor's gossiped about their troubles, they were on the verge of quitting having to deal with so many dangers out at sea.

"Sigh, sirens, and Krakens, this world just keeps getting better and better the more I hear things about it." Sarcasm was present in his voice, Vitaite was starting to believe that this world had every monster in mythology and fantasy, it was just too much at that point!

However, this wasn't surprising to him at all, what was a fantasy world without a Kraken or crazy flesh eating mermaids? Of course, mermaids were different from their siren counterparts, they didn't eat flesh and were very peaceful beings.

Vitiate went back into town where he saw farmers doing their work as usual. While leaving the town to head back to the guild, he saw something that caught his attention.

"Fortune must be shining on me today, this is the greatest opportunity yet!" He spotted a shop that had a sign in the window saying that the owner was selling some land. Strangely, the shop was vacant with no customers to be found.

In front of the shop was a luxurious carriage with a clover insignia. There was the coachman who drove the carriage, he was tending to the horses.

Vitiate didn't mind this and walked over to the shop. At the door of the shop, he could hear two men talking, they both didn't sound too happy.

"Oldman Paul, Lord Clovis has been trying to buy your land for the longest now, you have it for sale but you won't sell it to us, why!?" A man dressed in a butler outfit spoke in a somewhat disrespectful tone, his face showed annoyance as well.

"No, it won't be sold to any noble, you guys think you can just buy up everything? I'm not selling it to anyone, you can forget it and just leave!"

"Then why the hell do you have a sign up saying it's for sale, I hope you don't plan on selling it to someone else after we've asked for so long!"

"My shop's closed, you can go, I don't have time for this. I'm too old to be arguing with some knuckleheaded kid!" Paul didn't feel like talking about it anymore and told the butler to leave, it was his property so he didn't need to sell it.

"Oldman, make the right decision, don't be regretful later, we'll ask again in the future. I just hope you make the right decision or things might start to happen." The butler grinned knowingly, he was ready to use underhanded means to get what he wanted.

"Are you threatening me!?" Paul wasn't scared, back in his day, he was a B-ranked adventurer!

"I'm not, I''m just hoping that you'll make the right decision later. With the upcoming cleansing event, it's the best time for businesses since traffic from foreigners will skyrocket. I'll take my leave for now, but I'll be back next week at the same time, have a nice night!"

The Butler tidied up his suit jacket and walked towards the door to leave. Vitiate quickly hid from butler, as he drove off in the carriage soon after. The coachman, however, had seen Vitiate but didn't really pay him any heed.

Vitiate hurriedly and entered the shop.

"Who is it this time, we're closed, so scram out!" Paul didn't even look at Vitiate who entered the shop, as he hollered for him to leave right away.

"Oldman, I'm here to buy that land from you, what do you think?"