Buying Land!

Paul looked up and squinted his eyes, he scanned Vitiate from the ground up before smirking. "I think you're an idiot, I'm in a bad mood right now, so I've decided not to sell my land to anyone! Come back next year, I might sell it to you then, but that depends on my mood."

"Bad mood? You're an Oldman, so I expected you to be a bit more humble than this. It seems like a noble put you in a bad mood with a few words, how childish." Vitiate grinned and said.

"Young man, you should watch your mouth when talking to your elders, have some respect." Paul frowned, he felt like young people these days didn't know the meaning of respect.

"Hey, I showed respect by asking you if you wanted to sell me the land or not, but you disrespected me with your tone and words." In his world, you have to show respect to receive it, you didn't just gain respect when you disrespected others out of the blue!

Paul couldn't really see Vitiate's features from the bad lighting in his shop. "Come closer, so I can get a good look at you. If you want to buy that piece of land, it would only make sense to clearly see who I'm selling it to."

Vitiate walked over to the counter for Paul to get a better look at him, he didn't see anything wrong with this.

"How strange, your features are something I don't see often at all, you must be a foreigner. Are you of Noble origins, perhaps?" Paul pulled out a strange tool from behind the counter and placed it in front of Vitiate as he asked.

Vitiate bluntly told him that he wasn't and that he was far from one. With those words, the strange tool lit up with a green light.

"Perfect! Honestly, I don't want to sell my land to any nobles. They get richer while the poor get poorer. They're buying everything up without the possibility of anyone else having a chance. The people in this town are too scared to step up, they're also too poor to even buy the land!"

Paul had been holding out on selling his land for so long now, he was hoping to sell it to some commoner but no one came. The ones that always showed were some off-island nobles or the nobleman of this island.

"So it was like that, huh? I heard that this place is heavily invested by nobles, didn't they do you guys a favor?" Vitiate only heard a few things from the Oldman at the food stall, but he didn't dive into too many details.

"Control and Power! That's all they want, they want to take as many places over as they can; don't be blinded, kid. You have your whole future ahead of you, but you have to wake up and see what is really going on. The City of Light is hosting an event here along with other factions, they have more power than ever with the summoning of 10 heroes, so things will get really busy at that time."

Vitiate's smiled suddenly turned stiff!

"Wait, what? Summoning of 10 heroes?" Vitiate was caught off guard, say what now!? Paul squinted his eyes again, what person didn't know about the heroes?

"Kid, you're not some caveman or something, right? Everyone and their dog knows about the heroes summoning, it's to combat the evil of this world, the Devils and Demons!"

Vitiate's expression was getting darker and darker! He knew about the hero of this world, but more heroes were summoned to fight the forces of evil! He was completely unaware that heroes could be summoned, but it made sense to him because he was summoned as well.

"Kid, are you alright, you don't look so well." Usually, Vitiate could hide how he felt, but this was different, he could be in great danger now!

"Hehe, I'm okay, I was just a little caught off guard, that's all. I'm a foreigner who spends most of his time on the sea, so this information is new to me, so this is why." Vitiate smiled and assured Paul that everything was alright.

"Do you know how they summon these heroes, could you tell me the process?" Vitiate wanted to know more, he had to know more, this was possibly threatening to him. Paul shook his head, he didn't know anything about the details; all he knows is that they were summoned from an unknown place.

"Forget about it, are you selling your land or what?" Vitiate would have to swing by the guild tomorrow to ask some questions, but for now, he wanted to buy some land if he could. Paul looked around and quickly made his way to the door of his shop.

He locked the door and closed the curtains before moving back behind the counter.

"Yes, I am!" Paul pulled out a black paper with white letters written on it, this was the deed to the land. However, there were strange fluctuations coming from this deed, it seemed to be imbued with mana.

"How many acres of land are you selling and how much are selling it for?"

"3,000 Gold Coins and the acres are 4!"

Vitiate's eyes twitched visibly, this price was equivalent to 300,000 Dollars back in his world!

Author note: Copper Coin=$1| It takes 10 copper coins to equal 1 silver coin. Silver Coin=$10| It takes 10 silver coins to equal 1 gold coin. Gold Coin=$100, you get the drift. :D

"What? You can't afford it or something?" Vitiate already knew he wouldn't be able to pay the full price as of now.

"I don't have any Gold Coins, but I do have Gold Bars that I can give to you as a Down payment." Vitiate pulled out 2 Bars of Gold. He had gotten these bars of Gold from his Dungeon, he bought 3 Bars just in case. He didn't want to spend his points on things like these, but he had to since it would allow him to buy things.

"Wow, that's something you don't see every day, let me have a look at them." Paul gave Vitiate a suspicious look before checking to see if the Gold bars were real.

"Well how about that, these Bars of Gold are real and worth 50,000 Gold Coins each! I'll take both of them as a down payment for the land if you're in agreement with this." Paul picked up the contract and showed it to Vitiate at the same time.

"I see no problem with that at all, but I do have somethings I would like to add to the contract." There was no question that the business he planned to open would grab a lot of attention, so he had to have a fail-safe just in case.

"Haha, I wanted to add a few things as well, it seems we think alike." Paul laughed and opened a cabin station behind the counter, then he pulled out a bottle of ink and a pen to write with.

"I'll let you write what you want first, but tell me what it is before writing it. If you hadn't guessed already, this contract isn't normal. Once you sign this contract, you must put your fingerprint on it in blood to ensure that no one breaks the rules of it!"

The Special contract would cause a person a lot of suffering if they broke the contract to the point of death. Vitiate looked at Paul strangely, this man was too serious about the whole not selling it to nobles thing, it wasn't like Vitaite was ever going to anyway.

"Okay, what I want on this contract is simple. My identity will be hidden as the owner of this land. When I appear before anyone, I will be disguised so no one can recognize me."

Vitiate didn't want anyone to bother him about his business or start unnecessary trouble. He would reveal his identity later, but it wasn't a good idea for a newly starting business owner of this world to be known so easily.

"Kid, you're smarter than I thought, I see no problem with that. What I want to write is simple, you must not sell this property to any noble of any sort. This goes for the person you'll futuristically sell it to, he or she must follow this rule as well. By the way, what name will you go by, I know you won't be using your real name, right?"

"I'll go by the name Mr.X!"

"Also, what if I become a King in the future, does this count against the contract rules?" Vitiate had to be sure, he is the Progenitor of his race.

"Pfft! Hahaha! King, what the hell, the king of what!? Adventurers!? Hahaha!" Paul had tears in his eyes as he hammered his fist on the counter constantly.

"Is it a thing or not?" Vitiate ignored his laughter and asked again.

"Just in case you become a 'king' I'll write that you'll be okay if this is the case. Oh boy, I haven't had a good laugh in years, you aren't so bad kid!" Paul wiped his eyes filled with tears then handed Vitiate the pen to write a clause.

Within minutes, they both wrote their clauses and use their blood to sign the contract. The Contract words glowed with a bright white light for a brief moment. At that moment, a light shot into Vitiate and Paul's bodies, the Contract was complete.

"Seriously, you're way too serious, Oldman!"

"Hey, you can't be too sure in this world." Paul shrugged and gave him the directions to the Vacant land. Before leaving, Paul took the contract and copied it before handing the original to Vitiate. Vitiate didn't take the front door and took another way out to avoid anyone witnessing him leaving the shop.

After leaving the shop, he went back to his Inn. The man from before was still at the front desk, he was taking care of two customers at this time. One was a tall burly man while the person he was with was a shockingly beautiful woman.

She even made Vitiate double take at her, she had a really strong and tall build with long Blue hair. She wore a dress that emphasized her curvy body, with her chest was the most notable! She noticed Vitiate looking at her and smiled seductively at him.

Vitiate looked away and went to his room without saying a word to her.

"Okay, tomorrow, I'll just return to the guild and show Linda the Goblins that died in the war as proof. I have two Slime nucleases from my Dungeon, so this should complete these missions instantly."

This was the reason he chose these missions, he already had the stuff for them within his storage ring. He still had yet to receive points for the dead monsters from that war, but their bodies came in handy.

"Hmm, I'll check the land out tomorrow while I'm at it. I need to find workers for my big business, I won't be hanging around this place long. I need to defeat the Sharkmen and take down the Spider Dungeon. Later, I'll have to explore the Glacial Zone as well, there should be new monsters in this Zone."

Vitiate said no more and closed his eyes to sleep.