Duel For a Promotion!

The morning had finally arrived, so Vitiate got up and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and shower. He looked a bit tired, but there was a reason for this, the walls in this Inn were quite thin so all activity could be heard.

Vitiate heard the couple next door going at it for a while before they stopped and went to sleep! He tried using his pillow to cover his ears, but that all failed in the end. Once he was done cleaning up, he grabbed a fresh set of clothes from his storage before leaving his room.

Right when he left his room, he spotted the woman from yesterday that was with the burly man. The woman gazed at Vitiate with a smile before walking off without a word, for some reason, Vitiate felt something from this woman but he couldn't describe it. She was just coming out of the room she was given yesterday.

Vitiate didn't dwell on it much, it wasn't his business anyway, he had a clear objective coming here. He quickly made his way downstairs where he saw the same man as yesterday, he was staring at the door with a mesmerized expression.

"Ah, she is so beautiful, if I had a woman like that I would be the happiest man alive. That body, towering mountains on her upper body, that juicy and soft looking bu.." The man paused and looked over, he noticed Vitiate and went dead silent.

Awkward silence!



"Alright, I'ma head out, you have a nice day!" After a brief moment of silence, Vitiate greeted him and said a few departing words before walking out of the Inn.

"Shit! This guy catches me in my moments all of the time, just who is he!?" The man's eyes dilated, he was caught with his pants down twice by this man!

Vitiate took to the streets, it wasn't that many people out in the morning but there was still a decent amount wandering the streets. He was hungry, he was going to head to that older man's stall from yesterday but he wasn't set up during this time of the day.

"The Guild has a buffet or restaurant of some sort upstairs I can eat from, this will do for now. I have many things I have to complete today, so I can't linger around." His walk through the streets was much easier with fewer people out at this time, so his arrival was faster than usual.

Vitiate entered the Guild as a few heads turned his way, there were fewer people this time around. There were only around 3 to 4 tables being occupied, many adventurers weren't active during the morning, apparently.

Before heading upstairs to the mess hall, he wanted to turn in his missions first. However, there was a change in management at the front receptionist desk. This time, it was an older woman, but she had very few wrinkles on her face, this didn't matter as her grayish hair exposed her age.

Vitiate could be wrong, she might just be a high middle-aged woman instead, but this didn't matter now.

"Fellow adventurer, are you here to turn in a mission or sign up to become an adventurer?" The woman asked immediately upon seeing Vitiate standing at the desk.

"I'm here to turn in some missions I've completed." Vitiate pulled out the papers from the mission board he took yesterday and handed them to her. She quickly reviewed them and pulled out a folder to confirm when the missions were taken.

"Hmm, you took these mission yesterday, you're a pretty fast worker, huh?" The woman smiled and asked Vitiate to show her proof that he completed the missions. No time was wasted, he quickly pulled out the 3 nuclei from the slime type monsters.

"Very nice, we do this to keep the monster population under control and to avoid monster hordes attacking the town. By the way, if you're willing to sell these nuclei, the guild will buy them for 5 copper coins each."

Vitiate nodded and agreed to sell them, he didn't need any nuclei right now. Afterward, he pulled out a few goblin corpses, he wasn't planning to sell any of these. He was going to have his Dungeon absorb these for whatever points they could give him.

"Gasp! Are those Goblin warriors, the ears are good for making potions, are you selling these as well?" The woman seemed a little too excited, Goblin warriors were rare on this island since they were never able to live long enough to advance to this level.

"Nope! Not for sale, I'll be using these my self, thank you!" Vitiate spoke and the woman sighed in disappointment, she couldn't keep her eyes off the Goblin corpses until Vitiate stored them away.

"How many did you kill? You can't sell even one or two to us?" The woman was a little smug about not being able to buy a Goblin warrior or two.

"I don't know how many of them I killed, but it was a lot of them, that's for sure." Of course, Vitiate was lying, these goblins were killed by Lizard and Crocodile men during the war. The woman's face changed, she quickly called another woman over to take her place at the front desk.

"What the hell!? He killed several Goblin Warriors alone, you must be joking!"

"No way, he's clearly lying, you would need at least a full party to hunt so many. The threat and probability of being overrun are so high!"

The people in the surroundings could easily overhear what Vitiate and the Receptionist were talking about, they even saw the dead Goblin warriors when he pulled them out. However, they still couldn't believe it, Goblins weren't that smart but they could plan much better when they were warrior class Goblins, so getting ambushed and outnumbered was a problem.

Vitiate pulled out at least 4 Warrior Corpses which surprised them, to have so many warrior Goblins meant that there was a threat of a Hobgoblin or higher in Dread Forest close by.

It could be a potential horde attack if they weren't careful!

"Come with me, this may involve your actual rank. If you've killed enough of them, there may be something involved for you." Hearing what the woman said, Vitiate was curious. He ignored the stares he was getting, many adventurers looked Vitiate up and down. From what they could see, he was just some ignorant foreigner, but what they heard next caused them to sneer.

"You're an F-Rank for now, maybe we can change that." With those words, everyone started to laugh and sneer, this guy must have found those corpses on the road or something. Vitiate ignored them and continued to talk with the receptionist.

"Oh? A possible level up?" This wasn't bad, it would allow him access to better learning on the upper floors of the Guild if he ranked up. Vitiate didn't want to stay in this town too long, he still had to wreck the Sharkmen and Spider Dungeon, but he needed a money source to build an empire in the future.

Vitiate nodded as the receptionist led him into the back of the guild. The Guild had an arena for battles or people who wanted to duel each other, it was also used to test Adventurers for their promotion.

Aftertime, he was led to a waiting room, the receptionist told him to wait while she went to get someone of higher authority. Vitiate waited for about 2 minutes, the room was surprisingly well decorated.

Eventually, the door opened up and the Receptionist walked in, this time, she was with a man. The man had brown hair with a short buzz haircut, he wore all brown. He wore a brown vest jacket and brown pants, he carried a sword and round shield on his back.

"Ah, you must be the one who killed many Goblin Warriors, come this way for further inspection."

The man smiled and signaled Vitiate to follow him elsewhere. Vitiate frowned, he wasn't that trusting, what if this guy tried to pull something. The man seemed to have notice Vitiate's strange behavior and spoke up.

"Relax, no one's going to do anything to you, this is to see your skills as an adventure. This is to see and gauge where you stand." The man shook his head with a strange smile and continued "By the way, my name is Dukar, I am the Vice Guild Master of this fine establishment, it's nice to officially meet you..."

Dukar paused, he didn't know Vitiate's name, but he stuck his hand out to introduce himself.

"The names Monster Slayer, or you can just call me Slay'd for short." Vitiate shook his hand after his small introduction.

"Alright, Slay'd, right this way!" Vitiate was confident in his strength, so if this guy did try anything, he would use everything to fight back or escape if it came to it. Of course, nothing happened as he and the receptionist were led to a very spacious room.

"Slay'd, our guild is in need of monster material to create potions, weapons, and other things for the soldiers or just in general. But to confirm your true skills, we would like to see the Goblins you have killed. If you're skilled enough, you can move up to a higher Rank to avoid wasting your time as a low ranking adventurer."

Vitiate flexed his Storage ring, then waved his hand, summoning several bodies.

"Holy....!" The receptionist was shocked seeing so many dead monsters, these were Lizard and Crocodile men! Dukar was stunned for a second, then he started to evaluate the dead monster lying on the floor.

"Hmm, these monsters were killed cleanly while some were killed brutally, but some were killed with different weapons. Tell me Mr. Slay'd, do you work alone, or do you have party members to aid you in battle?"

Dukar was an expert at this, he could tell that different weapons were used to kill these monsters. He was most confused about the bodies that were sliced so cleanly, as he couldn't tell what weapon killed them. This was the bodies that were sliced apart by the jesters, but who would believe that they were sliced up by cards?

"Yes, I use different weapons, I have a weapon that can change into any weapon I wish it to be, have a look." With that, Vitiate pulled out his pole, he made sure to change it into different weapons like an Axe, sword, spear, and even a scythe to prove he was a solo fighter.

"What a rare and extraordinary weapon, are you selling it?" Dukar asked immediately, it was a weapon that could change into just about any weapon the user desired, who wouldn't want one?

"Nope!" Vitiate said bluntly.

"Haha, I saw that reply coming." Dukar laughed and continued. "From what I can see, it could be said that your skills are quite good, would you like to take an exam to be promoted to D-Rank? It won't be easy, but D-Rank is as high as my authority can go." There was no point in keeping someone who was as strong as Vitiate in F-rank, it was just a waste of his time.

"If I'm promoted to D-rank, there isn't anything I'm forced to do, right? Like take on missions forcefully that I don't agree to do, or fighting for the country like a soldier." Vitiate would not fight for any country in this world, but his own in the future.

"No, there is no such thing, you're free to do what you want in that aspect." Dukar shook his head, there was no such rule.

"Perfect! Then I'll take the test for the rank up." He needed access to the library upstairs, so why refuse something that granted him nothing but benefits?

"Alright, you'll be set to duel a D-Rank adventurer three days from now, so be ready for a fight!" Dukar grinned, it would be ridiculous to say he wasn't eager to see this fight.

"Okay, I'll get ready for the fight then!" The two talked it over and made the arrangement with a few words. The receptionist was still shocked from the corpses and the weapon Vitiate carried, but he was just an F-rank! However, she would find out later that he just applied to be an adventurer yesterday!

Dukar badly wanted to buy the monster corpses, but Vitiate refused to sell them. Vitiate almost told him that a new business will open soon with good and rare items, but he kept quiet, no one could know!

After everything was set, he went upstairs to the mess hall to eat, this place had some pretty decent food but he believed it could be better. "The street stall food was better, but this is alright, it isn't like it's nasty or anything." Vitiate had asked where the usual receptionist was, but found that Linda was scheduled to work later and never worked morning shifts.

After eating, it was time to check out his new land, so he left the guild in a hurry.


Guild Spacious Room.

"Did you get a good look at those corpses, they were slice apart so perfectly. It's almost like the guy's a weapon master or professional swordsman of some sort." Dukar was secretly amazed at how precise the monsters were sliced apart, he still couldn't figure out the weapon used to perform this task.

"Yes, he may be another upcoming Powerhouse, it's probably best to invest in this one, sir! We've both seen this before and we know what happened 2 years later with that guy." The receptionist said.

"Hmm, keep an eye on him, these skills can't be ignored. Also, spread the word of the upcoming duel, I'm sure many would love to see a good fight!" Dukar grinned as the receptionist nodded, leaving the room.

"Hoho, I can't wait to see it, let's see those weapon skills in the flesh!"