Meeting Her!

After assigning them their jobs, Vitiate was ready to hit the streets again. He wanted to head to the shop from yesterday, then goto the guild or just finish this missing dog mission. Once he walked outside, he was quickly stopped by a few knights.

"Hold it right there, this land has been vacant for almost 10 years! There were no buildings here yesterday, this is illegal, you don't own this land!" Vitiate looked really shady to the guards, the way he dressed gave off a mysterious and dangerous vibe.

"That's where you're wrong, this property was sold to me, so this is my land. Here is the deed to prove it, my name and Id are right here." Vitiate pulled out the deed and an Id that was made by Paul.

The shop the old man owned was actually a shop that created these types of things and more. The guard's eyebrows wrinkled, he took the id and looked over the deed. The crowd that had gathered around was stunned, someone finally owned all of this land?

"Ah, sorry, it was just strange that buildings could appear out of nowhere so fast. There was no sign of construction over here, most would have noticed it but heard nothing at all that gave us any indications." The 2 guards that were with him were just as confused.

The Guard handed Vitiate back his deed soon after. The deed was weird, it was black paper with white printed words instead of the other way around. "If this is your land and this is your shop, then what are you selling here?" It was just too big to be any food store or equipment store, so he questioned.

"Hehe, I guess you'll find out when I have my grand opening, but until then, you'll have to wait." Vitiate said. For some reason, the guard could feel that Vitiate was smiling under his mask, which made him snort silently.

The guard turned to the crowd and told them to break it up and go about with their business. Many people had heard Vitiate and were interested to see what his business was selling.

"I'll be back for the grand opening then, I wonder what you have to offer around here that we already don't have." The Guards walked away after the supposed leader was done talking.

Not paying any further attention to the situation, Vitiate bolted to the slave shop to purchase more slaves. This time, he wanted slaves that were in good condition in order to not waste any Dungeon Points.

This time he was early, so there were no customers. The shop opened at 7 in the morning but the streets were practically empty at this time.

"Hoho, you've returned! What can I get you today? You've bought all the poor slaves, so what will it be today?" There was no question that the man was happy to see Vitiate, he was buying up all the slaves, so how could he not?

"The good slaves, show me the slaves that are in tip-top condition! Hurry, I have other things to do today, so make it snappy." Once again, the man wasn't bothered by Vitiate's tone and came from behind the counter.

"Follow me! I have nothing but the best around, at least on this island." The man said with pride, as he led Vitiate to a stairway that led upward.

"Around? You're the only one who sells slaves on this island." There was disdain in Vitiate's voice, what was he the best at?

The man ignored Vitiate and continued to guide him upstairs. "Also, the sister of the Dark Elf is up here as well, so if you want to see her, you can." The man chuckled cunningly and kept walking.

"....." Vitiate said nothing.

The upstairs was completely different from the basement. There was a nice red carpet spread throughout the hallway with several paintings hanging on each wall side. There were many doors up here, which held different slaves.

"Show me some other slaves before showing me the Dark Elf, we'll save her for last." Vitiate didn't want to spend to much time here, he just needed to get his business operational so he could continue his Dungeon Operations in Dread Forest.

"Alright, then this room will do, this slave arrived a week ago." The man opened the door to reveal a woman sitting at a table. Vitiate immediately identified her as a ginger, she had freckles with really fair skin. However, there was a fierce look in her eyes that hid killing and battle intent.

"This woman came in last week, she is a Barbarian from the Glacial Zone. These particular humans are savages, you should be careful around this one, who knows what she might pull." It was a good thing she was under the pressure of the slave collar or she wouldn't have hesitated to rush both of them!

Vitiate looked at her status before analyzing her physical features.

"I'll take her!" Vitiate said bluntly. Once he said that, he was given a chilling glare by the Barbarian woman, it was a sort of threatening gaze!

"Hoho, she's giving you the stare, are you sure you want this one?" The man smiled and asked to be sure. Many people who had seen her wanted to avoid her, but Vitiate instantly made a decision to buy her, which was unexpected to him.

After confirmation, they went off to other rooms where other slaves were located. Vitiate decided to buy a decent amount of slaves, they cost much more than the basement ones obviously, but it was okay.

The slaves that he picked were taken out of their rooms and brought downstairs. Some resisted and even attacked the men, but they suffered under the slave collar's might soon after. It began to choke them out badly until the man had it stop.

They had to set it up to where the minute a slave started having bad inclinations, he or she would suffer for it. Eventually, they came to an area with a white door, this was the room the Elf that was being auctioned off was present.

The man who had bid high for her last time hadn't come back to check on her to see if anyone had a higher bidder than him. The door was pushed open, as an alluring fragrance rushed out of the room.

The room actually had carpet unlike the other rooms on this floor, she seemed to be getting special treatment compared to the other slaves. Vitiate confirmed this with her whole room set, she had a nice sized bed, dresser set, and beauty supplies!

The Dark Elf woman sat in front of a mirror brushing her hair, similar to a fairy tale with a princess. She stopped and turned to the door with a cold expression, she didn't say anything and turned back to brush her hair, ignoring both of them.

Vitiate was a little surprised with the make-up she was wearing, she had eyeliner on with large eyelashes. She had long Black hair that went down her back, her eye pupils were surprisingly all white.

"Ah, arrogant as always I see, don't be angry with me, I wasn't the one who caught you." The salesman shrugged with a smile, he didn't care either way.

"..." There was no reply from her as she continued to brush her hair.

"Oh, this is one of the guys that's trying to buy you, you've already met the other guy that was trying to buy you but here is another one." Hearing those words, she turned back around and peered at Vitiate. He was dressed weird from any average human, it was questionable if he wasn't burning up in his outfit!

After looking a Vitiate for a moment, she deemed him as nothing but a weirdo with bad intentions and gave a cold harrumph, turning back to the mirror. "Well, that isn't the way you treat someone who has bought your brother and even healed him."

She suddenly stopped, as her eyes dilated. She stood up and looked back over at Vitiate and the salesman.

"Wow, you struck a nerve." The salesman said faintly.

"My brother? Where is he? That asshole salesman said he sold him already at the highest bidder a month ago!" She was surprised, she thought she would never see her brother again, it turns out that he was just locked up in the basement the whole time.

"Nope! I bought him yesterday, he asked about you, so I decided to buy you for him." Vitiate looked over at the salesman who was shamelessly picking his ear, he knew he was caught in a lie but didn't really care.

She really wished to kill this man, but she couldn't now, it was so aggravating to her. "Wow, that angry look on your face just makes you look even sexier, you'll only make 'him' more excited when you do it."

"You sick humans, your days are dwindling by the moment! All you will pay for your crimes against all the other races, it's coming, but I may not be around to see, which is sad." All of this slavery had left the human race with a bad reputation with most races in the world.

"Yeah, Yeah, sure it is!" The man yawned and continued. "So, stranger, what do you think of her? She's a piece of work like that barbarian woman but not as overbearing, but that mouth of hers is a different story."

"She'll do, I'll be sure to successfully buy her. I just wanted to see her and that was it, I'm sure Levi will be happy to know she's alright." Just when Vitiate was about to turn to leave, the elf called out to him.

"Wait! Can I talk to you for a moment?" Her gaze went over to the salesman as she spoke coldly this time. "Privately, with no weasels around!" The salesman couldn't help but laugh, he found her attitude so amusing, it wasn't something he hadn't seen before.

"Ah, you guys can talk, haha, I'll be waiting down the hall. Phew, this chick is so funny, just looking at her and you would think she's a young woman, but she is older than me!" The man laughed and walked out of the room, shutting it behind him.

"What was it that you wanted to talk about?" Vitiate wanted to leave to take the new slaves back to his business.

"How is my brother doing? The last time we were together, he had lost his hand and was badly wounded. You said you healed him, is this true?" Vitiate nodded and began to relay everything that happened and even about his business.

He told her that her brother was fully healed and working for him to buy his freedom, along with other slaves. She was stunned, working to buy their freedom? What kind of person would give a slave this option?

"You have to buy me, the guy that's trying to purchase me isn't anything good." Her face turned chilly just thinking about. This man was extremely perverted and would do all sorts of things to his slaves, he would even have his bodyguard enjoy them after he was bored with them!

Vitiate wasn't remotely surprised by this. Of course, there were people like this who bought slaves for this purpose, so this wasn't new to him when it came down to it. "Of course, I'll be sure to buy you but don't act arrogant around me, I don't like people with bad attitudes." Vitiate warned, it was no need for all that crazy talk and behavior.

"Ah, yes of course!" After talking for a bit more, Vitiate left the room to meet the salesman standing next to the stairs with a wide and weird grin on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" Vitiate instinctively asked, he looked creepy smiling there like that!

"Ah, nothing, it's just so heroic, you're trying to reunite family members, it's so moving." The man wiped his eyes with a cloth and continued. "Not, hahaha! Let's go, I'll check you out now!" The man turned around and proceeded to walk downstairs, leaving Vitiate dumbfounded.

Moments later, Vitiate stood near the counter with 12 new slaves. The shop didn't have many slaves overall since this was just an island, and catching any elves from Yggdrasil would be a challenge without getting killed.

There were 8 females and 4 males purchased this time, it cost 11,600 Gold Coins for them all! Vitiate sighed and commanded the slaves to follow him, some gave him cold glares but he ignored them.

"Please come again, stranger!" The salesman gave a few departing words as he waved his hand at Vitiate leaving the store. Vitiate shook his head and left the shop without a word, but the man wasn't bothered at all by it.

It was still early in the morning, but he still received many stares from many passerby's with the slaves he had. Soon, he made it back to his mall and called all of the other slaves over. He told them to show these new guys the ropes, and that he'll be back later to further their training.

"Woman, don't try anything crazy, you better cooperate or else!" Vitiate could see the barbarian woman staring at him, she did so all of the time, there was a glint of madness in her eyes, which made it seem like she was ready to lash out at any moment.

The woman snorted coldly and looked away. After giving them proper positions, he left the Mall to a secluded area to change out his clothes. Once again, he hit the streets of Goa, this time, he was heading to Doran's Guild.

"Hey, look, do you guys see that?" Suddenly, a man pointed to the sky.

"Wow, it's an airship, look at the insignia on it, this must be the airship of the elves of this island!" Everyone looked up in amazement. The humans didn't have access to airship yet; they were trying to create them, but they wouldn't be as good as the elf's airship models.

"The Elves, huh?" Vitiate looked as the airship passed by, it was indeed the elf's airship, it was heading straight for Yggdrasil! Many onlookers kept watching the airship until it disappeared into the distance.

Making his way over to the Guild, Vitiate walked through the double doors and was met with the '3 stooges.' "Hoho, my buddy Monster Slayer, where have you been all this time? Wait, have you been doing missions without your buddies?" Lucas the fatty said.

'Buddies, when did we become buddies?' Vitiate thought to himself.

"Good, you're just in time, we just got a special mission to take down a Dungeon!" Vitiate's eyebrows lifted, what Dungeon were they talking about?

"No worries, this Dungeon only has 6 Floors with a low Danger level, it should be easy!" Lucas assured.

"Sounds interesting, let me hear more." Vitiate wasn't against it, as long as he got the core for himself, he was fine with knowing more about it and joining. Thinking of infecting people, scheming thoughts started to wash over him.